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I had stayed inside the manor for a good few days, destroyed by guilt.

All of the houses in town had been replaced and rebuilt, and the same went for all other cities caught in the damage.

When I finally felt like leaving the manor, the first thing I did was help Salazar plant tree saplings where his forest used to be. He appreciated my help and consolation.

Nevera went on even more dates with her new girlfriend, and she even came to dinner with us once. She was funny, I liked her.

The old Regal's daughter took over his role. She held an ambition for peace between the two Nations. She kept the agreement that we were allowed to mix, but made the punishment for harm done between the two very severe. You could be killed for discriminating against a person from the opposite side.

I never really recovered from what I did. But I came to terms with the fact that neither side was ‘good' or ‘bad'.

Everyone was going to do some harm in their lifetime.

Eventually, Mother recovered and we got to finish our portrait. I was legally adopted now, too.

I smiled softly and exhaled as I watched Salazar and Nevera argue on where the portrait should go. Mother placed her arm around my shoulder and ordered them to be quiet. She told them where the portrait should go, and I laughed as they groaned.

I knew this was where I belonged. I knew I was always supposed to be a Crossfire child.

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