chapter 8

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I SETTLE in the car, the scenery outside of the window blurs as I continue to drive with my speed, despite the amount of times my mother has told me to slow down.

My mom and sister both had a huge smile on their faces, and I knew exactly what it was about.


My jaw tightens at the thought of her walking home by herself. The neighborhood was not friendly, especially the place where she lives. But judging on the way she fights, she would probably have no problem defending herself, but with a fucking folder that was in her own body weight and a bag would be much harder.

you don't care.


I focus back on the road, taking occasional glances in the rearview mirror, catching glances of my sister's face, as she moves her head around to try and lock eyes with me.

I sigh mentally, and look in the front mirror to the backseat, and I can practically see the excitement fumes coming off her.

I roll my eyes and grumble. "Talk, or else you'll explode in a few seconds."

She lets out a high pitched squeal, bouncing in the seat. "Do you like her? Isawyoutalkingwithheryoulikeherdontyou?"

My mother laughs, spinning around."Rallenta, El." (translation: slow down)

Then she turns to me, stern glare set on her face. "You like the girl, don't you?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Which girl?"

Eleonara's mouth drops open, and my mother slaps my arm. "Non spaventarci così!" (translation: don't scare us like that)

My face remains expressionless, and I focus back on the road.

Knowing the curiosity was eating them alive, I smirk as I see them both itching to get an answer out of me.

The problem was, I didn't know either.

I didn't know if I liked her, or simply because she had a good relationship with my mother and sister. Or because of her attitude, like drawing moths to a flame. Or the way she could never put herself first and let other people take the burden on as well.

Whatever the reason was, it was surely not because I liked her.

Years before I was capo, I only fuck and dump.

Not anymore. They were clingy and had no sense of embarrassment.

Various women would assume I still do that, throwing themselves at me as if I would bother to catch them.

Not worth it.

I park the car in the garage, unlocking the doors and stepping out. I walk to the door, guards around the perimeter recognizing my figure, I unlock the security, glaring at the ones to shuffle and return to their places.

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