Clear My Mind

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"Darling... Wakey wakey..."

I groggily opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them as my vision started to clear. My blurry eyes slowly focused on the source of the soothing voice like a camera.

"Ah... Someone's finally awake," he whispered in Japanese as he gave me a good morning kiss.
"Morning, Yori..." I replied as I sat up on our bed.

His kind smile greeted me as he picked my specs off the side table and placed them on my face

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His kind smile greeted me as he picked my specs off the side table and placed them on my face.

"Morning, Wifey. Time to get ready to visit Mina," he said, gently pulling the covers off me. "I already turned on the water heater, your outfit is hanging behind the bathroom door, and your contacts are on the sink."

"Great... I'll go get ready..." I mumbled as I slid out of bed and shuffled on over to our bathroom.

I heard a small chuckle coming from him as I closed the door, not bothering to lock it since I don't mind him walking in on me. As I turned towards the mirror, a sticky note on the glass caught my attention. I plucked it off and read it.

Morning, beautiful :)!
Just wanted to let you know that you're the luckiest thing that happened to me.

I smiled and folded it up into a quarter, before walking over to my jeans and putting the note into my pocket. I had a feeling that I'd need it later. Things weren't the brightest at the moment, so I would need every bit of positivity I could get.

"Keep it together, Son Chaeyoung..." I said to myself as I stared at my reflection through the mirror.

My head was full of things, things that kept me up at night, things that made me unsure about what was to come, things that made me feel lost, afraid... Tired...

Snap out of it.

I sighed and started to undress. I had no time to waste, Mina was waiting for me. I quickly freshened up, putting on my contacts and the outfit that Yori helped me to pick out. I headed out of the bathroom and down the stairs to my living room, where Yori was packing bentos into a cooler bag. He placed the last box into the bag before sealing it. I walked up to him, and he noticed my presence and smiled softly.

"What are those?" I asked.
"Bento boxes. Mina said that she wanted something besides hospital food, right?" he replied.

I did a facepalm as the memory of her saying that came back into my mind. Aish... Chaeyoung!

"Ya... Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself," Yori chuckled.

He gently pulled the hand off my forehead and kissed it before cupping my cheek with his hands.

"You look extra gorgeous today..." he whispered sincerely.

Yori said those words almost every morning, and I would usually squeal and leap onto him for a kiss, but today... I wasn't feeling it. I sighed and pushed his hand away.

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