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While Sora was flirting with Yuki in the other room, Echiko was staring at the ceiling, thinking about what would happen to her. She suddenly has a flashback of what Ryo said.

"Yamazaki Kento. Did you guys know about him? He's the leader of the Devil's Eyes Gang. He's trying to make a mess with Manshi Gang these days." "What did they do?" Yuki asked. Ryo answered, "They attacked our spot in Shibuya." "What?!" Mitsuya was shocked. "That fucking bastard wanted Shibuya. They are challenging us,"Ryo said more.

Echiko screams silently. "Why is this happening so quickly? It shouldn't be like this. From what I remember, after the fight with Buta Gang, we had a fight with Drac Gang. After the fight with Drac Gang, Kento showed up and prompted me to leave Manshi Gang. That's how it was supposed to be. Why is it slowly changing?" Echiko said in confusion. "What should I do?" Echiko cried on her study table.


Day by day passed, and it's almost three weeks now. No one has died yet and Echiko is enjoying every moment she has created with her Manshi family. They hung out together, ate together, and completed their homework together. On the next day, they were all called to be in the hanging spot as usual. Echiko came with her bike. Yeah, she finally gets to ride her bike again after two weeks.
She opened her helmet and quickly fixed her wavy long ponytail hair and got into the hanging spot. She stepped in and looked around. There was no one there, and she decided to sit on the couches while reading some magazines or something. She was about to look at those magazines when someone disturbed her. "You're early today." Echiko turned to the voice, and it was Ryo.

She exhaled slowly and calmed down. "Yeah, I was just nearby," she said, and looked at the magazine again. "You're alone? Where's your friend? " Ryo asked more to have a conversation with her. "They're not with me but they'll arrive soon," she said. "Want some?" He asked, and Echiko looked at him. She nodded. "Sure," she said.
Ryo sat next to Echiko and gave her her chips. "Thank you," she said as she took a bite of the chips.

"Ouff, this is so good," Echiko said while looking at him, and he smiled. "You coloured your hair, huh?" "Since when?" he asked. "Yeah, I did. I just got back from the salon and it finished faster than I thought. That's why I came here early, "Echiko answered. "I thought you were someone else. I was about to give you a punch," Ryo said, and she looked at him. "Well, if it's just a punch, I think I can handle it," she said, and they were both laughing.

"You look great in blonde," he winked at Echiko, who laughed even louder. "Thank you," she said. "We've got matching hair now," Ryo said as she looked at him quickly. "Oh my god, I just noticed that." "There's no way you just noticed that..." he said, "or... maybe... you want to have a matching hairstyle with me?" Ryo said as he became closer to Echiko. Echiko looks at him getting closer to her, but she can't move. They were each in their own world. Ryo comes closer and their lips almost touch each other.


"AISHHH MITSUYA!!!" Akkun shouted loudly with an angry face. "YOU FUCKING SPOILED THE SITUATION!" Yuki was also mad at him as he smacked Mitsuya's head. "This fucking dumbass. You make me want to curse you so much," Rina kicks his leg and gets in the spot. Ryo got up from the couch and walked back to the small kitchen. While Echiko's dead, She just wanted the ground to open up and swallow her at that moment. They had all come in swearing at Mitsuya. "That's not my fault when the drink falls!" Mitsuya said as he tried to protect himself. "It's your drink, you dumbass," Minyoung said, sighing loudly.
"Do you know how long we wait for this scene to come up?" Sora shouts depressedly. "No, I don't," Mitsuya replied while fixing his hair because of Yuki's action. "MONTHS!" They all shout in sync. "Now I get why you're so depressed," Mitsuya replied with an innocent face. "Echiko chan, you look good with that blonde hair," Akkun said as he looked at Echiko, who had turned into a stone until now.

"Thank you," she said slowly, as if she was whispering to him. Then, Ryo shows up. "Go grab your uniform now and let's go. Those kids have been waiting for us so long" Ryo said as he grabbed his bike keys at the table and headed out. They all quickly followed him out, including Echiko.


They all rode their bikes to another place where their subordinates had been waiting. They didn't do the meeting on their hanging spot because the spot was too small for all of them with the subordinates and that place was specialised only for the dignitaries. It only took a couple minutes to go there by bike. As soon as their bike was heard by those subordinates, they quickly lined up and bowed to them.

They dismounted their bikes and proceeded to the farthest and highest stair level to unwind before the meeting began.Only Ryo, Yuki, Akkun, Mitsuya, and Echiko went to the highest stairs, while Minyoung, Rina, and Sora lined up on the same floor as the others. They took their places, and Ryo sat down on the highest step in the middle. Hence, their meeting began.

"It has been a month since we were attacked by the Devil's Eyes Gang. Before this, we kept silent because we believed that this issue wouldn't be something serious and we thought that it was just a normal fight. But these days, Akio kun's group has been attacked by those guys. They were seriously injured. Five people in his group are in comas right now, and one died. This is a really serious issue when it comes to death," Mitsuya said at the opening of the meeting. All of them listened carefully.

"The reason for this meeting right now isn't just to say 'be careful' or 'be cautious' anymore. They have crossed their line, so we need to teach them a lesson. " Mitsuya added more as the crowd screamed as they agreed with Mitsuya. "Remember, we must protect our Shibuya. This place belongs to us!" Yuki shouts, making the crowd more noisy. "But I heard they use sharp objects like knives, axes, and more," Akkun said, and the crowd started to go silent.

"How are we going to fight with them if they are using those things?" Echiko asked, shocked. "Why? Are you afraid?" Ryo looks at Echiko with a smirk. "No, I'm not. But I'm afraid if there will be more people die" Echiko replied as she looked straight into his eyes. "So?" Ryo got up from the stairs and went down slowly. "Are we going to fight?" Ryo asked the crowd and looked at the silent crowd.

"It's our job to protect this place. We weren't cops, but we are. We don't want to be a cop because a cop stands for a coward. Have you ever seen a COP catch those bastards? " Ryo shouts "NONE! No One! In fact, they ask for our help. They came to our spot and asked for us to help them protect this place. ARE WE GONNA BACK OFF NOW?" Ryo shouted more as he went to the crowd and called for a guy. "What's your name?" Ryo asked. "Aoi Yamato," he replied. "Yamato san, will you fight?" Ryo looks at him.

Yamato went silent as he asked again. "Will you fight, Yamato san?" Yamato nodded. "Yes I will," he replied. "Can you speak louder? "I can't hear you," Ryo said as he gritted his teeth. "YES, I WOULD! Even if I have to die from this mission, even if I have to practise using a knife! I WOULD! " Yamato screamed with spirit, and the crowd started to scream again. "I guess that's it. On the 24th of May, we will have a battle" Ryo said as he sat on the stairs.

"So be prepared," Ryo smirked. Echiko gulped nervously. What should I do? I can't stop this fight from happening. What if someone were to die? What if any of us died? Echiko expressed her inability to stop overthinking.

To Be Continued...

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