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"Tsurimi san, how are you feeling today?" asked a guy with a white coat on his body and a Stethoscope around his neck. "I'm feeling much better right now, doctor," Akkun answered while looking at him. "Is your throat fine? Can you eat the chicken I gave you last night?" The doctor asked more.

"Yes, I feel like my throat isn't sore anymore and the chicken you gave last night? I can eat it but the taste is disgusting, so I gave him" Akkun answer while pointing at Mitsuya, and they chuckled. "Okay then, I'll do some check up on your throat after this. If it's getting better, you can go home in the evening," he said, which makes everyone relieved.

"Thank you doctor," Akkun said, shaking the doctor's hand. The doctor was walking out of the room with Yuki's escort. Yuki closed the door and went back inside after saying thank you to the doctor. "Finally, I'm missing my bed," Akkun said, trying to break the silence.

"Sure you did," Mitsuya said while laying next to Akkun on the bed. "Mitsuya, that bed is for the patients, not for you," Minyoung said right after she saw him laying on the bed. "I don't care. You want to lie here with me too? There's still a place for a person," Mitsuya said, as he teased her while patting on the bed.

Minyoung rolled her eyes, annoyed with him. "Since you're finally discharged, this is the right time to talk about Echiko," Yuki said, looking at Akkun, and he nodded.


"I need to leave here..." Echiko looks at the room where there are two schoolboys playing with each other. "Oii," Echiko called to both of them as they looked at her. "Untie me. I need to use the toilet," Echiko said, as they looked at each other. "Wait," one of them said, walking outside, probably searching for Kento.

"Fucking untie this. I need to pee right now!" Echiko shouts, looking at both of them, giving a glare. They looked at Echiko and decided to untie her. One guy unties Echiko's hands and the other one unties her legs. "Let's go," they said, escorting Echiko to the toilet. She's walking slowly, following the front guy and looking at him. She glares at the other man following him from the back.
Echiko stopped and kicked the person behind her in the stomach, which made him fall and groan in pain. The guy from the front stopped and turned his head to the back to see his friend being attacked by Echiko. He quickly punched her, but she avoided him. She climbs on his body and chokes him with her arms. She twisted his head, and within a minute, he was already dead.

Echiko looked at the other guy, who was finally able to stand because of the pain in his stomach. Echiko kicked him in his face, making him fall again, and jumped on his throat. He was dead. Because of Echiko's smooth action, none of the other members heard their fight. Echiko stepped slowly out of the room.

She saw a guy who was walking across the building. She took a peek and bent down slowly. "I'm dead if he notices me," Echiko thought to herself as she looked around trying to find anything that could help her in this situation. Surprisingly, she saw a knife in one of the guys' pockets. "God knows how to help me," she said while taking the knife out of her pocket. She got up and took a peek at him again.

"Kento, I don't get it. Why do you still want to keep her?" Kagura asked. "Because..." he said as he looked at her. "Because?" She asked again. "Just because..." he said. "I don't fucking get it, Kento. Why are you so interested in her? " Kagura said she is dissatisfied with Kento's action. "Well, I am interested in her. Can't you see? She's very attractive".

"She looks like a damn psychopath," she replied. "Sir, I apologise for interrupting you, but Echiko is attacking our boys," one of their subordinates reported. Kento quickly went to their spot as he saw Echiko cut someone's neck with a knife. Blood is all over her face. Kento looked at her with a smile. He's missing that face. That face is similar to the face she made when she killed Ryo before this. She look like a damn psychopath.

"You look hot with that blood on your face," he said, walking slowly to Echiko. "Let me go," she said. "Oh honey, I can't... I have arranged everything perfectly. It would be a waste if you disturbed it." He pouted sadly. "I said let me go!" She shouted, "I don't want to back off. Even if I let you go, you can't do anything, Echiko chan. Sakura has killed everyone," Kento said as he laughed at her.

Echiko looked at him as her tears dropped on her cheeks. "No... no way..." she said as she cried hard. I want to protect my friends. Why is it that things didn't go as I planned? WHY?! She cried more. Kento walked towards her as he bent down to sit on the same level as her. "Echiko chan, God never was and will never be on your side. You're just a sadist psychopath, a pathetic girl who will never achieve anything from the beginning. No matter how hard you've tried. Your existence is a waste," he said, watching Echiko crying hard. "You dumb, tie her up," he said, as he gave an order to the guy that was watching him.


"Bro, you are so gross" as Akkun laughed at Mitsuya while they were walking inside of their hanging spot. They were laughing with each other as they sat on the couch. "Why aren't we going home? This is not the time for us to relax..." Minyoung said as she looked at them.

"That's why we're here. To make a plan,"Ryo answered. "Do you guys know where she is?" Akkun asked "with Kento," Mitsuya replied. Yuki rolled his eyes. "You're so annoying. We all know that she's with Kento. But where are they?" Yuki shouts at him and Akkun laughs at Mitsuya. "You're so stupid," Rina said. "I know where she is," a voice came as they looked at the owner of the voice.
"Black hoodie... black mask... pink hair..." Sora mumbled. "You're that girl," Akkun said as she opened her mask. "Sakura" Ryo called. "I'm here to tell you the location. But of course, win the fight" she said as four more big guys walked into the spot as they closed the door. "Do we have a deal?" She asked as she smirked, looking at them.

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