Part 3

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After spending all night working on the magic I was able to finally figure out how this magic worked, and I could replicate the magic so I could sense the direction of the owner all I need was an object to use. Getting up I walked to my bed and fell into it and as I was about to sleep I heard a knock on the door. All I did was sigh and got right back up to answer the door and the person on the other side was Krista as well as the bright sun.

Krista: Uh... Um.

Y/N: What's wrong?

Krista's face was red for some reason, but I was to tired to ask.

Krista: O-oh, commandant Shadis wanted me to get you, as you haven't showed up for our aptitude test.

Y/N: I see, its that time already. Alright lets get going.

Krista: Um, captain Y/N.

Y/N: Yes?

Krista: Put on a shirt please.

Y/N: Oh yeah.

After I put on the scouts uniform I left my cabin and with Krista headed to the training area where the cadets were doing their teste. As I watched everyone was doing well only until I heard some quiet laughter and when I checked Eren was upside down looking shocked considering what he said he was going to do, and Shadis noticed this and walked over to Eren.

Shadis: What is your major malfunction, Jaeger? Straighten yourself up!

As others quietly chuckled and other looked at him, I thought it was weird as it was pretty easy in when I did the test so something might be wrong with his gear, but this was only a theory. After the cadets did the test it was dinner time, so as the cadets left I heard Eren call out to me.

Eren: Captain Y/N!

Y/N: What do you need Eren?

Eren: Could you teach me with the odm gear, sir?

Y/N: Eren, at the end of the day meet me here.

He had a smile on his face and saluted.

Eren: Yes, sir!


As I waited by on of the machines Eren, Mikasa, and Armin came and all three of then saluted.

Y/N: You guys don't have to do this with me, it's only when others are around.

They gave a nod before Eren walked towards me.

Eren: Sir, do you have any advice?

Y/N: Actually I wanted to see something, Eren get attached. Mikasa you'll crank the lever.

As they all got into place Eren was lifted up until he lost balance heading towards the ground, fortunately I was close enough to stop him smacking his head into the ground. As Mikasa let him down both of them went to check on Eren.

Armin: Sir, did you get what you wanted?

Y/N: I did. Eren switch your belt with Armin.

Eren: Huh?

Y/N: Trust me.

As both of them traded their belts Eren went for a second try and this time he actually pulled it off.

Eren: I- I did it!

Y/N: Mmm. Eren.

Eren: Yes, sir?

Y/N: I need you to do this but with your broken belt.

The three looked at me confused and Armin questioned me on why.

The Warden in Attack on TitanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora