Chapter 7

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I woke up, smelling bacon through the whole house. I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a baggy t-shirt. 

"What's going on? We never have bacon." Biana asked, coming down the stairs behind me. 

"Your brother loves it. Speaking of which, can you go wake him up, Biana?" Della asked, standing at the stove. 

"Yeah, of course." Biana said, heading to her brother's wing. 

I walked downstairs, helping Della while Biana woke Fitz up. I love this family so much. It's so different from the human world. I loved with this family for almost a year, and I have never thought about called Alden and Della, mom and dad. I've never meet my biological parents. 

I heard someone coming down the stairs, and I looked a saw a shirtless Fitz. 

"I told him to put a shirt on." Biana said, rolling her eyes. 

"Ew, that gross." I said, laughing. 

Fitz met my eyes, giving a low chuckle. We set the table, all of us sitting down.

"Where's dad?" Fitz asked.

"Oh, he's away on a mission." Della said, picking up the syrup bottle.

"Normally he tells us. Why wouldn't he?" Biana asked, looking down at her chocolate chip pancakes. 

"He didn't want to worry you guys." Della responded. 

"What?" Fitz asked, anger rising in his voice. 

"The mission that your father is going on is extremely dangerous. He didn't want to tell you because he's afraid that he might not come back." Della said, silent tears streaming down her face. 

"Where is he?" I asked, my voice as hard as stone. 

"I'm afraid I can't tell." She said, looking down at her heads. 

I stood up, pushed my chair in and said, "Well, that's going to stop me from finding him. I don't need your help."

I don't need anyone telling me where he is. I can find him myself. I don't care how dangerous it is. I need to find him. 

Authors notes: 

So I know I haven't really talked about Brooklyn's ability yet, but it's coming up soon! And I'll post again on Saturday or Sunday. 

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