Chapter 2

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"What? Sophie has a twin? They literally look nothing a like!" Fitz yelled, jumping up to his feet. 

"Fitz, they do look really a like. Brooklyn's eyes are an ice blue color, like Keefe's. She also dresses up a little bit more than Sophie too and that's it. Other wise, they're the same person." Biana pointed out.

 "Well, their personalities are quite different. Sophie is more laid back, quiet and reserved. Brooklyn is outgoing, confident, and isn't really afraid of anything." Della said, looking at Brooklyn. 

Fitz risked a look at Brooklyn. The more he looked at her, the more he realized the two twins are nothing alike. Brooklyn had long blond hair, a shade lighter that Sophie's, and it was curled perfectly at the tips. He eyes were a cold ice blue, but something about them made them look warmer to Fitz. Brooklyn's outfit was a short lilac colored dress, with black tights on underneath. She had tall black boots that went up to her knees, along with a little heel. Fitz knew from previous experience that Sophie didn't do exactly well in heels. Brooklyn had on a gold chain layered with a gold pennant that had a little flower stamped on it. The top of her hair was braided into two braids and stoped half way down her back. 

 "Wow. Her fashion sense is wayyyy better that Sophie's. Can she come shopping with us?" Biana asked. 

"Brooklyn?" Della asked. 

"Sure. Yeah, I'd really like that. I'm glad you value my opinion. But you shouldn't base a person off of his or her's clothing." Brooklyn said, smiling. 

 Fitz looked up at Brooklyn and saw how happy she actually was. Unlike when Fitz first brought Sophie home. 

"Can I talk to Brooklyn alone?" Fitz said, the only thing he's said since Della first brought her in.

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