Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen

Start from the beginning

You sat there for longer than you realized, thinking over everything, all the questions you had about how the King of Vampires pulled off such a thing, how he got to Loki and the Avengers. But you eventually snapped out of it, thanks to Pharaoh who began to comfort you again, coming back to sit with you on the floor, asking you to explain further as he could tell how scared you were. "Well, Pharaoh, the situation isn't looking too good, as there is most likely a bloodthirsty undead army out there growing in numbers with every victim they feed upon, wait I didn't turn into a vampire!" you started off speaking calm and serious but jumped to your feet when it occurred to you that you should be turning into a vampire right now but you weren't. You did double check by running off to go look in a mirror, to see if you still had a reflection and you did and at learning this you threw up your arms and got really excited for a minute. Not that you wanted to toot your own horn or anything but with you being immune from turning into a vampire you might be just the hero for the job but you would definitely need more help. 

You ran to get your new cell phone, making your way through your entire contact list, trying to get a hold of anyone, you even called Mr.Fisk but neither he nor anyone else answered. There was one number remaining, you merely stared down at your phone, your hands were shaking for a minute but in the end, you just put your cell away, not really in the right mental place to talk to your mother. You did debate sending out a mass text to everyone in your contacts that there were vampires and they needed to be careful and in the end, you decided to do it, even if you became a target. If any of them became vampires and read your text they would realize you were still human, or at least you were a human when you sent the message and they'd likely come to find you to see if you were still among the living or not. You obviously would not let them know of your potential immunity to Vampirism, as that would no doubt mean they'd likely target you as an all-you-can-eat buffet. Your message basically just warn that there were vampires, in case they didn't know explaining that if you were still among the living by dawn you'd be at such and such location at 12 noon.

It then occurred to you that there were still millions of New Yorkers who you couldn't tell via text message and you decided to check the news and other social media outlets. You ran downstairs and flipped to the Daily Bugle to see if there was any updates only to find a vampirized J. Johan Jameson telling all remaining humans to surrender. You turned off the tv and stood up, as old vampire J.J. already handled the situation of alerting the public, if not in the most terrifying way possible, but you couldn't let your own fear consume you. This wasn't the first time New York had vampire visitors and being the paranoid chick that you were, after the last attempt made by Dracula you decided to get an emergency vampire kit together. Actually, you had an emergency kit for Vampires, Zombies, Aliens, and Atlantians besides the standard survival kit and you ran off to get it out, hoping that Loki didn't miss it while teleporting all of your stuff here. You check your closet, finding the large chest where you kept this stuff in the very back on the top shelf and you wondered how he got it to fit up there or how it didn't break the shelf considering how heavy it was.

It was too heavy for you to physically lift, not to mention too high so you got it off the shelf with your powers, quickly opening it and pulling out the different kits to find what you needed. There would still be a few more things you would need to pick up in order to make proper preparations but you would have to gear up first, and it would be best to wait until daytime. So you did what you could, making lists of everything you had and needed to compare as well as researching the best places to go to get everything else you didn't have yet. You then went over what food supplies and other necessities you had, calculating how long they'd last realizing you'd need a lot more food for Pharaoh as you were nearly out. Your cute furry boy was scheduled to be heading to a Wolf Sanctuary in a few days but you knew that with what was currently happening, it was unlikely that you'd be able to get him there.

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