Chapter 45: Golden Buns.~

Start from the beginning

"I won't. Your parents weren't heroes, they were very skilled in sciences here at U.A., but if anyone tried to harm me... They would have to put forth an effort and not waste their time sending any henchmen," When he let go, he gave her another pat on her head. It was obvious, that a confident smile graced his lips behind that mask since his cheeks rose a little under his eyes. "I do have some other, important news for you," With that, Saito's tears were rubbed away using her arm, and gave him a silent nod.

"I did a little bit of research before you went to the mall yesterday. What I found was connected to the killers of your parents," His words, caused a gasp and utter disbelief to come from the girl, so he continued. "Tadami Yukimura, was the cause. It seems small traces outside of your old home were left behind, something that I found one day when I was near the building he demolished. Turned out-- someone tried to stop him outside of your home. A witness who lived across from your old home told me a strange man with a weird sword had stabbed a man's foot and locked him in place. They said they couldn't tell who it was because they hid inside their home and then they suddenly heard the explosion... I'm assuming that man was your father. Because the witness said, that the victims were gone and the ambulance found traces of a rapier that was pierced into the cement of the sidewalk and it was the same size as his blade's tip," explained the ninja who sighed and closed his eyes.

"W- What? Y- Yukimura-- Serpentine, Haru's father killed..." At that moment, onto her knees, she fell and disbelief filled her eyes at how unexpected the news he had, was. The weight on her shoulders, of wanting to find her parent's killers felt like it was lifted but a new ten-tons replaced it. Did she know about this?! If she did, why didn't she tell me?! Was her father that secretive to where he wouldn't tell her and maybe that's why she wouldn't possibly know? Haru... Pure bewilderment, the same disbelief remained on her face as she stared into the space before her.

Kamihara saw how the shock on her face appeared and felt a clench in his throat, he knew it'd be painful to hear but knew it'd be better than hiding the truth. "That's all... I'll be escorting you to Golden Buns, to be sure you're safe. Please, try to relax for a while. Yukimura finally returned and I don't think she'd be happy to see that look on your face," a pat on her head, made her flinch slightly and peek her blue hues up to his gray ones. Reassurance could be seen despite the mask hiding most of his expression, but she was able to see his efforts of trying to cheer her up; even if it was a little bit, she could tell he cared about her.

With a simple nod, her attention moved back to the space she stared at before, very slowly she stood back and hesitance was inevitable. For she felt a little awkward, but appreciative of his approach and methods to stay closer. So, her tiny hands clenched a small piece of his shirt, and her head pressed against his chest. A shy hug, was something Edgeshot wasn't expecting, especially when a cracked voice came from her slightly muffled mouth. "Thank you," quiet, a few tears strayed from those pale cheeks before she stepped away from the stiffened ninja.

"Y- You're welcome. Now, shall we catch up to the others?" Once again, a gentle pat on her head was given before he walked past her.

"Yeah," Her answer was as simple as it could get, still quiet, but nonetheless appreciative, and followed after the pro hero. Thoughts of the hero's offer of adoption and the news of Haru's father killing her parents, all created a tornado of questions; her blue hues glued to his backside as they wandered down the hall of the hospital. He won't die, right? He won't die... He's a pro hero, he won't die as my parents did. He won't die... the cybergirl kept repeating that over and over in her head until thoughts of Yukimura came to mind again.

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