Chapter 13

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A/N - Thank you for viewing the story!Leave your reviews down below and don't forget to vote❤️Happy Reading!!


Taehyung said what he wanted to but little did he know,the worst had happened. He wanted to tell her all that but also didn't want her to know but she was awake and listening the entire time.


Y/n's pov

He said sorry?Why would he say sorry?And for what? Trying to sleep and Kim Taehyung comes along ruining it,not with something bad but something that got me thinking,I probably overworked my braincells by thinking of reasons,my body shut down as I drift away to sleep.

I woke up in the morning with the voice of the lady that brought me clothes as she took my old ones and gave me new ones,I took my breakfast and started eating it without a thought as it was now cold,I tried not to think about last night nor anything else as I finished my food and went to stand near the window to breathe some fresh air. I gazed at the limited beautiful birds I could see,admiring nature trying to forget everything else as I numbered my days sinking in my own thoughts and my strange tranquility.

I was lost staring at the sky to as far as I could see as the sudden sound of metal brought me out of my trance as I turned around and saw Kim Taehyung's friend.

End of Y/n's pov


Jin's pov

I was walking down the stairs on orders of Tae as he told me to go stay with Y/n and make sure she's okay,I didn't wanna go but still she's not in very good times so I thought I'd be of help.

I went inside and opened the door as I saw her staring out the window when she turned to look at me and turned towards the window again,did she just ignore world wide handsome?

Anyways I went close and stood there hoping she'd talk to get me out of my boredom as I waited for a little longer and she spoke,"Why'd you come?",She asked with a sigh,"It wasn't my choice,Tae sent me here",I said clicking my tongue as she raised an eyebrow.

"You mean the prince?Why would he send you?",She asked with no difference in pitch or volume,everything in one single note like her throat was tired,"I'm not more interested to see you than you are to see me,he told me to check on you if you were doing okay",I told her sighing as she forced out a giggle.

"Stop joking,why would that bastard ask you to check on me?",She said making me clench my fist as I went closer,"Look,first thing I'm not lying and second thing don't call him a bastard,why do you hate him so much?".

She turned around preparing herself to answer my question,"I hate him not only for the fact that he made my life miserable but I wanna kill him for taking away Hobi from me,"She said with her voice low and sad but stern,"Girl,I know I shouldn't be telling this or Tae would kill me but he didn't kill your best friend".

She corrected her posture as I continued,"In fact,he didn't make your life miserable like you said,he felt the need to protect you cause of reasons you'll know once you read your diary,this whole time he has only been protecting you and thus not being the one to kill your best friend,he was killed by your own werewolf comrade who came to kill you,and the reason,read your diary later on,I ain't lying,I'm telling you the truth cause I can't see you hate him when he cares so much about you",I told her what I wanted to with determined eyes as hers just grew bigger.

"If whatever you're telling is the truth then why didn't he try to tell me?",She asked as I bit my lip stopping my gut from blurting out what I shouldn't but I had to,I needed to.

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