Chapter 08

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A/N - Thank you for viewing the story!Leave your reviews down below and don't forget to vote❤️Happy Reading!!


You are a half-vampire Y/n.


Taehyung closed the diary he had been reading with a mix of shock and concern. She's like me,our kind.

He kept the diary on his bedside table and lay his head down on the pillow to rest. He had been processing too much at once.

The humans hate vampires,what if they get to know she is one...They'll kill her. I can't let that happen...she's my kind,I need to protect her!


Y/n's pov

Me and Hobi went back to our houses to prepare things for our journey. I didn't want Hobi to come with me,I can't put his life in danger only cause I was being too careless but he said its his choice so I didn't have an option.

I tossed and turned,every position I could possibly fall asleep in but my brain refused to rest,I was worried about what dangers we would face,and the reason as why to that Prince took my diary in the first place kept bothering me,I smacked myself with the pillow hoping to pass out and it worked as my eyes were too heavy to stay open.

The sound of the birds with their annoying yet beautiful chirping woke me up,I opened my armory and took out my sword,packing a little bit of food,I stuffed them in my bag and walked over to Hobi's place,with no one in sight,it was too early to be up,the cold air blowing gave me chills yet numbing the worry and thoughts. I knocked on his wooden crimson colored door twice until he opened revealing himself with a bow and a sad smile on his face indicating  he was ready.

"Do we really have to go Y/n?"He asked as he stepped out locking the door,"You don't have to but I do"I replied with a straight face,he gave me a little nod and we started walking,going back into the dark forest now covered with a layer of fog as the sun was beginning to reveal its shine upon all living creatures.

The forest was beautiful,it really was.The scarier it gets at night,the prettier at dawn with all the insects and animals living in there going about their daily chores,with the mothers feeding their babies as I sighed,I never had a mother to feed me.

I looked up at the sky now turning blue as I was jealous of the birds flying in a flock,the clouds so carefree and the sky so endless.

I glanced at the sunshine next to me as he was quiet for too long,I knew the fact that we were simply walking off to our enemy's kingdom bothered him but it was him that tagged along,not gonna lie,it feels nice to have your own personal sunshine walking with you everywhere you go.

We were really close to the kingdom of vampires,dangerously close as my poor heart started beating louder and faster by the minute,if the forest wasn't so noisy,I was close to hearing my own heartbeat but Hobi's beat faster than mine and I could see it,I could feel it.

We saw a few guards in the forest walking around,vampire guards as we hid behind the huge tree and waited for a clearing,there was not a whisper of the wind nor the calling of a creature,just silence spread everywhere like the universe was awaiting our death.

Until there was a rustle of the bush nearby and I thanked God for getting me out of the sudden suffocating silence,and all the guards standing there went near the bush only to find a jungle kitten and we knew this was our chance,I pulled Hobi with me as we sneak past them and went further until we stood in front,not really in the front but we stood at a place where we could see the huge gates which were the entrance of the kingdom.

There were two guards there too,God why so many guards. We had to find a way to get past them and climb the wall cause we obviously couldn't go through the gate.

I was thinking hard and gathering all my braincells while Hobi started sniffing and I turned back as I saw him with his bow targeting something and he released his arrow as it hit the same jungle kitten which was earlier in the bush,the kitten screeched as the guards in the front ran to it,Hobi grabbed my hand and we sneaked past the door standing in front of the wall we had to climb.This man was clever,very clever.

End of Yn's pov


Hobi's pov

We stood in front of wall and Y/n started rummaging through her bag,"Y/n,we can't climb the wall now,not in broad daylight let's wait till it gets dark"She stopped her rummaging and mouthed a fine as we hid behind one of the bushes waiting for the sun to bid us adieu.

The hours felt like ages as the day finally felt worth-climbing-the-wall-of-the-vampire-kingdom.I still couldn't believe we were doing this but I was doing it for Y/n.

We took out our hook as we tied it to the rope I got and flung it over the huge wall when the guards went for a change of shift.We used that time to climb the wall and go down the tower of the border.

We blended in with the people of the marketplace as I saw a huge building meters away from us and knew it was the palace.The guards of the entire kingdom probably went for changing their shifts giving us time to carry out our plan.

We tiptoed into the door that led who-knows-where but we knew it was a part of the palace. Why is sneaking in so fucking hard?

The castle wasn't filled with guards but you could definitely see a few here and there,we worked so hard to creep in and try not to get caught and it almost felt like we were invisible or maybe the kingdom never had any non-vampires trying to take back a book from the prince so it felt normal to everyone.

I kept telling Y/n to be careful as we managed to climb another floor and there were shockingly no guards in this floor and it was luxuriously decorated than the other floors we managed to climb so professionally(not).

I guessed it was the place were the royal family stayed as I heard sounds of footsteps,again it was only me who heard them and Y/n so casually walked in front and came face-to-face with the person we did not expect,the Prince aka Kim Taehyung.

"Y/n?"He questioned widening his eyes looking at the girl in front of me who was so ready to slice him and grabbed her sword before this other guy who I thought to be the Prince's companion ordered some other guards who we never saw to capture us and before Y/n could get a chance to strike him with the sword we were already in the hands of the guards the handsome companion had called.

"I didn't expect you to be here so early"The Prince said with a shock still evident in his face as the guy behind him wiggled his eyebrows and asked Taehyung what he meant,"Jin Hyung,this is the girl,Y/n"He said pointing towards Y/n who wouldn't stop shaking in the arms of the huge guard that caught her as the person he called 'Jin Hyung' widened his eyes too.

End of Hobi's pov


Ok, so I won't be commenting on this chapter lol,you can read for yourself.


I'll be uploading chapters probably twice a week so stay tuned and have a Hobi before you go!




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