❀ Chapter 48 : Mystic Merlin ❀

Start from the beginning

It seems that the world had other plans, a few minutes in the chair before her getting pulled out and occupied by the only one that she didn't catch the name of earlier, but with some name matching there was only one name left out from the list of names Haruhi had given her.

"Ms. Shiraishi, I apologize for the late introduction," he said smoothly, extending a hand over the table, "Ootori Kyoya, second year student, vice president of the Host Club."

"I'd introduce myself but you already know who I am," Sumire smiled tightly but shaking his hand anyways, "Nice to meet you Ootori-Senpai."

Sumire could swear that the room snapped into silence as she said that, but immediately picking up like nothing happened.

Kyoya nodded silently not meeting her eyes, opening his laptop and turning it around to Sumire, "I believe a recollection of your role in the club is required. Let us begin."

Half of time Sumire was zoned out looking at Kyoya instead of the very detailed powerpoint that documented weekly activities since she had joined a few months ago along with what looked like stolen photos of her working on her computer, serving guests and hosting. 

The hosting part snapping her attention back on the screen as she saw herself smiling and laughing in a similar table but surrounded by people. 

"Any questions?"

"Huh? Oh," Sumire blinked tearing her eyes away from the pictures, "I'm good, so I was like a secretary for a while then a server of sorts then a host. Is that right Ootori-senpai?"

Kyoya ignored the rest of the host club hiding behind a couch, hosting hours had ended and the guests had been escorted out, "Yes. That is accurate. If you wish, you do not need to return to your position although it would be greatly appreciated to resume business with your company."

"Right, the flowers and stuff. I guess that's alright. As for whatever I was doing before I'd like to take some time to evaluate my schedule before I give a response. Is that alright with you?"

"Of course."

"They're so awkward!" Hikaru hissed smacking Tamaki on the back, "Do something!"

"What am I supposed to do?" Tamaki teared up, "It's like their first meeting all over again!"

"It kinda is," Haruhi mumbled narrowing her eyes as Sumire and Kyoya talked almost animatedly, neither really moving but rather sitting stiffly in their seats. 

"Is Sumi-chan gonna leave us?" Honey asked sadly getting a pat from Mori who shook his head.

Kaoru scrunched his nose, "She wont, I know she wont and even if she tried--"

"We have a foolproof plan too keep her!" Hikaru continued whisper-yelling with a triumphant smile on his face.

Saying nothing Haruhi sank onto the floor with a sigh, there was no doubt that a plan was brewing in the club. She just hoped it wouldn't backfire and scare Sumire away. 

She couldn't really explain it, but Sumire had started to become more closed off again, it reminded her of when she first met her. Whether it was because of what happened in the accident or not she wasn't sure.

"I would like to return something to you," Kyoya stated monotonously, pulling out a locket from his pocket and placing it on the table, "You had on during your accident, it was returned by the staff."

"I didn't even notice I'd lost it," Sumire gasped fingers reaching for the necklace, "It was my mothers."

"I know," Kyoya replied, motioning a hand to her, "May I?"

Sumire fought down a giddy smile, a tad confused why her heart was fluttering. Nodding, she slid her hair to the side as Kyoya's fingers brushing against her skin as they fiddled with the clasp, locking the chain around her neck.

Haruhi bit down on her sleeve to refrain from squealing, turning to the boys who were watching and putting her hands on her hips, "I think they'll be just fine. No meddling okay?"

She received several distracted nods from very distracted hosts, shaking her head she sat back down beside Tamaki who put an arm around her shoulder, small rubbing motions comforting her.

They still haven't told anyone.

*hides in shame* so sorry for not updating T-T

I don't really have an excuse the book just kinda disappeared from my brain until wattpad emailed me abt my notifs :')


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