The Alone One

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(the image above is what he looks like without the rings around his head)

He woke up.

he saw he was still in the same space as before and quickly looked at his body to see if he actually turned into a blob.

"Well shit, I am a blob." he said sadly.

He then realised something.

"Wait...if I am DreamXD then I can do that thing where you go from one place to another in an instant, what was that word again?" he thought about it for a bit before he pushed that thought away he was to excited to think about it, after all who wouldn't want to do that thing?

So he tried to do it.

After a bit of trying it felt like something entered his mind.

"Huh, looks like I can only teleport to other universes." after he said that he was confused, what the hell was a teleport? Why did he say that?

Yet he understood what the thing he said meant some how.

"Wait, now I know that God probably put that there! Wait if he is a god like me I wonder what he could do? After all he did give me all of dreamXD's abilities." after Al while of thinking he put that thought away, after all if he was powerful enough to give him all of dreamXD's abilities he must be very strong.

"Oh well that doesn't matter, back to trying to travel universes!" he was so excited he could fail for days and not stop because of it.

He tried doing a lot of things to help him, like imaging a castle, a city, and a place with green and brown all around!

Eventually he stopped that and decided to start small and just imagine the place he was in, maybe there was something here he didn't know about?

"It feels different, did I do it?" he succeded, but he noticed something.

"What's a person doing here?" there was someone there, it looked like a child maybe a girl? it looks like they were sitting with their legs in their arms.

"EEP" they made a noise when they heard him and looked at him in surprise.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" when they looked at him he got a better look.

They had blue eyes and looked like they were crying for a long time. They were definitely a girl and They looked dirty, like they haven't showered for a long time. They also had white clothes like something a royal would wear. (sorry if this is bad I'm not good with descriptions lol)

"W-what are you?" The girl looked scared but also looked happy at the same time.

'Oh right, I'm still a blob huh?' he thought it was weird since he has to look down but realized something.


'Uhhhhh, what should I say?' he didn't know what to say after all from this girls view he was a flying blob with a XD on the front of his face that suddenly appeared infront of her.

He then got a idea.

"Just tell me your name small one." So he flexed his anime knowledge. Untill he realised how much someone could meme that a little to late.

The girl realised she had nothing to lose if she told him so she decided to do it.

"I-i am-" She realised something.

She couldn't remember her name.

-----------------------------------------I think this one is a good chapter but please tell me how to improve in the comments.

The Dreamon God.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang