Chapter 44/Relevance and Acceptance

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Hope's pov

"What story?" Landon asked. "Are you seeing this woman?" Dark Josie indicated at the woman who was skimming at the couple. "What about it?" Lizzie grew her brows.

"She used to be the leader of Gemini Coven, Ara," she remarked which made us awestruck. "What?!" we all widen our eyes.

"The Ara? Whom people used to worship?" Lizzie questioned. "Yes... She was known as the most powerful witch of ancient times" Dark Josie agreed.

"What's the story?" Josie's curiosity took place. "I will tell you if you guys shut the hell up for a bit" She rolled her eyes. "She's right," Davina consented and we nodded.

Dark Josie turned to the wall examining it as she started.

"Ara and Aqa was the twin of Casande, the goddess of motherhood. She gave birth to the first Gemini Twins but goddess power always goes to the lineage but she has twins which make the power separate. So she did create this merging thing in which her power goes to her child who is eligible for it" Dark Josie shifted to us.

"What about another twin? How can she does that?" Josie withered.

"She made this merging thing in which the twin would absorb the other twin's power on their 22nd birthday. She didn't prevent anyone to die, she created a spell so the eligible twin can have the power and others would live a normal human life, after the merge." She crinkles up her face.

"Than who cursed it?" Lizzie bid.

"Are you seeing this couple? They were vowed in matrimony since they were children, Carissa and Ares but Ares the young handsome man fall in Love with Ara, the Gemini leader" She answered.

"So it's about a love triangle in between Ara, Ares, and Carissa?" Caroline narrowed her eyes.

"Not just any love triangle, Carissa was Goddess of Phoniex and was in love with Ares since she could remember. Because of matrimony, Ares shared her power of phoenix" Dark Josie said.

"But Ares fall in love with the Gemini leader Ara right?" Kol asked.

"Yes, even he was married to Carissa yet it didn't stop them from falling in love. They used to meet up underneath the starlight at the terrace of the lion, of course without getting caught. Ares adores both of them but the only difference was he wasn't in love with Carissa while for Ara, 

he would have accomplished anything. He couldn't leave Carissa because of their community and their bond to be together. Yet Ara didn't care she loved him despite everything and gave herself to him"

"Than what happened?" Josie asked.

"Carissa couldn't have children because Ares never loved her the way she desired. One day Carissa tracked Ares at night when he was varying to meet with Ara who was 2 months pregnant with his twins. She was incensed when she witnessed the love of his life in someone else arm.

She was burning with revenge but a goddess couldn't kill anyone if it's not valid although if they do they would lose their power and killing someone for love wasn't valid so she cursed her.

She wanted to make them discern how she felt after loving Ares for 22 years and didn't ask anything in return but his love, which he couldn't give her. That's how it's started she curse the twins that after spending 22years with their children she has to give up on one.

And it will happen again and again in their heritage" she concluded.

"Why is happening now?" Lizzie asked, "Because it's a curse, the curse can be broken and You are not the first one who reached here. In 1778, 1203, 1045, etc.

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