When they hear you sing

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A/N: Requested by layla20123: Hi, may i request a "When they hear you sing" preference? If not it's ok

Thank you for requesting, I've actually been meaning to make this chapter for a while, so please enjoy. I also apologize for my long hiatus, don't worry, I didn't cancel the book or die. :D

 Meilin (Mei Mei) 員ぴら

You sang, a lot actually, but were always too shy to do it in front of Mei. Sometimes she'd catch you singing in the shower or she'd hear it through the walls, but it was never directly intended to be for her to hear. 

So, one day, while the two of you were in her room doing homework, it happened. She had her headphones plugged in, so you thought she couldn't hear you, and you started lightly singing the lyrics to some little song stuck in your head. 

Truth was, the sound on Mei's headphones was down a lot since she always wanted to be safe. So, when she heard you sing, she knew that if she commented on it, you'd stop, so she just kept quiet. It eventually grew to actual singing, and she finally said, "You know your voice is really pretty. Don't be shy, it's amazing." You blushed but kept singing, and she joined in with you.

Miriam ザ猿茨

You weren't exactly the type to sing, but sometimes you would if there was a song you liked or something. So one day you and Miriam were going to go somewhere, and it was early in the morning, so you didn't change out of your pajamas yet. 

She sat outside, waiting for you to change into something decent. You were bored and decided to sing a song you heard on the radio. You were singing your heart out, completely forgetting that Miriam was on the other side of the wall. She never heard you sing, so she just sat there, admiring your beautiful voice. Once you came out, she complimented you, and you asked, "How much did you hear?"

 Priya 位ゼン

You were sitting at the popular girl's lunch table one day because they wanted you back in the group for at least a bit. Priya and everyone else sat at the table beside you so they could listen in. Of course, the girls were being obnoxious and started playing Truth or Dare. Once it got to be your turn, you chose dare, and the girl asked you to sing your favorite song. You were skeptical about it at first, seeing so many people in the cramped room. But, you eventually gave in and started to softly sing the song. The girls gave you glares, signaling for you to go louder. So, you did. Finally, you were loud enough for the entire room to hear you. All of the talking stopped as everyone stared at you, and you quickly blushed, shut up, and put your head down. All the girls started laughing, but you looked at Priya, and she was blushing like crazy. She eventually leaned over, and said, "I wanna hear that voice more."

Abby ぬ誕グ

You were sitting in your room, attempting to read a book assigned for school. It was over your face while you rolled off your bed to the floor. The floor hit you hard enough for you to get up and have some motivation to read. So, after screaming into the carpet next to your bed for a bit, you got up and pulled yourself onto the bed. As soon as you opened the book, your mind was blank. It was like you just forgot how to read, and words didn't make sense. You groaned and thought you may be in need of relaxation. 

So, you started to sing an intro to a song. Little did you know, Abby was making her way over to your house. You started to sing louder, and louder until, by the chorus, it was like you were on stage at a concert. Abby came by your window halfway through, and you were singing so loud that she could hear you outside. Once you finally stopped, you looked over to see out the window, Abby screaming and cheering like a maniac. You nearly fainted.

Tyler 億ダ俺

It was one of the practice days you two had, and it was at a sports place with locker rooms. After kicking Tyler's butt at football, you were all sweaty and gross and headed for the showers and asked for Tyler to wait outside of the locker room for you to finish up. Surprisingly, barely anybody was in the place, and the locker room was empty. You decided to take a quick shower to not smell, so you hopped in. 

When you were in there, you had the urge to sing, but you were still a bit skeptical as to if anybody was in the locker room. You poked your head out to see all the shower curtains open, so you started to sing. It was like nobody was watching you and you were in your actual shower, but Tyler was still outside, hearing all of it. Once you got out and changed, he was blushing a lot. You asked why, but he never responded. After a bit of realization, you practically screamed, "YOU HEARD THAT?!" He giggled while you were having an internal panic attack.

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