Type of couple you are

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A/N: I think "She Likes Another Boy" by Oscar Lang just about sums up my life right now. 👍

TW! Cursing

Meilin (Mei Mei) フとゟ

- The validating couple

- You two both have heavy emotions, and whenever either of you feels really emotional, the other will always be there to identify them and reassure the other that it's okay. You constantly give each other reassurance.

Miriam リ誕ヱ

- The love-bird couple

- You would literally jump off a bridge for each other. I think that sums it up. You guys just love each other so much, that you're willing to do anything to prove it. It's not often that you guys are apart for more than an hour. ("Sir, can you please stop staring at me?" WHERE'S THE REST OF YA)

Priya 尉ヹゼ

- The power couple

- You two take no shit. None. Nobody knows you're dating, but they both know to not mess with either of you. If one gets hurt, the other comes running for them and obliterates the person who did it. Everyone thinks you're really good "friends" for each other.

Abby コごア

- The opposite couple

- You two are quite different from each other. I mean, we have Abby over here, a short, angry-at-everything, aggressive demon. Then, there's you. Not short, nice, calm, and a painter. Even if you're different, you guys still love each other for it.

Tyler のシウ

- The high school sweethearts

- Let's admit it: you guys probably wouldn't last more than a few years. But, those few years are some of the best of your life. He treats you as well as he can in fear of losing you. He just loves you, and you love him back.

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