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"Hey, Bartender, vodka on the rocks!" Frank waved smoothing out his gelled hair, reaching for his personal wallet, fishing out green cash

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"Hey, Bartender, vodka on the rocks!" Frank waved smoothing out his gelled hair, reaching for his personal wallet,
fishing out green cash. Inside the main ballroom there were pedestrians dancing, swinging people around in the sixties
old fashion, some did the twist. A well
known Beatles song, that played across
the nation.

"Twist and shout!" Everyone sung
aloud, doing the twist, men held
woman in the air dropping them
down nicely in a timely manner
to the performed dance.

"Twist and Shout!"

Frank leaned on the bar ledge,
eyes scoping the place for Aurora.
She wasn't there. He sighed—disappointed. The criminal wandered
If Marci had given him the correct
Hotel because he didn't see his
love or her friends frolicking
around the place.

But no, Aurora was in the shared
hotel room touching her face up
getting for the event that played
out Tonight. Something—about
tonight felt different. She had a
deep wrenching gut in her stomach,
bundle of nerves gathered

What could it be? She thought about
how Frank was basically drooling and begging to take her out. She didn't—
understand how desperate he sounded. Surely, it made her feel deep within things.

Unholy things even.

Was that normal?

"You've been quiet." Marci said knowingly smirking. "Does this
has to do with Mister Southern
hospitality?" Her hands fell beyond
her knees hugging them in a safe
manor. She wanted to applaud
herself for telling Frank about
this specific hotel.

She hoped he remembered
the place.

Marci eyes glisten having a feeling
that Frank remembered. A love
doctor, Is what she bargained for.

Aurora Grace looked off to her
cheeky friend in the mirror. "No."

"Y'all mean Mista, New York."
Yasmine spoke placing her white
heels on the bed next to Marci.

"Mister Southern, I didn't hear
a New York accent in the airport."

"It was an accent, he has one, trust." Yasmine spoke truthfully.

"Can we get over the accent already? Geesh!" Summer waved her hand
silently. "Anyways."

Every female hushed.

"You miss him, chasing you." Summer  humor tone caresses the room as she
lean over her friends shoulder. Roar
rolled her eyes scoffing at the three women comical expression. "She does, look at her nose, it start to wrinkle—
when she knows there's truth in what
we are saying." The Black Teen pluck
her eyebrows more harshly ignoring
their teasing banter.

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