Valentina Ramirez

Depuis le début

Valentina had rushed over to help him the second he fell. When she got the mascot head off, their eyes met, and Ramirez said it was like looking at an angel. Valentina said he just hit his head too hard and was seeing stars. But she won't deny that she felt her heart skip a beat when she saw him and made sure to visit him in the hospital after school.

Valentina decided to stay in the USA with Ramirez, and a few years after graduating high school, they married. They had their first child, Arturo, a couple of years later and, over the next decade or so, had three more children: Lucia, Mariposa and Itzel.

Valentina is so proud that her husband pursued his dream of being a police officer and always encourages him to keep chasing his dreams. She knows he has always wanted to become a private investigator and will do whatever she can to support him.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 1

Valentina made a cameo appearance when she picked her husband up from the bar where he and the team were hanging out in A Night Out For The GBPD Team.

She would make her first speaking appearance at Adalet's birthday party along with her daughters to celebrate with the team. She would later come back for the team's Halloween party (plus Nathan's birthday), where she was dressed as Elana of Avalor.

The next time Valentina was seen was during the murder of her old friend and classmate, Francisco Cantú. Adalet and Jones discovered that the victim had been trying to woo Valentina with flowers, but the woman rejected all of his advances. After the murder had been solved and Valentina and her husband had been found innocent, the team had their Christmas party. Here, Alex presented them with a copy of Francisco's Will, in which the Ramirez couple was each listed as a beneficiary who would receive ¼ of Francisco's fortune. Ramirez declared that his wife could now pursue her dream of opening a fencing studio which she began working on the following summer.

She would return to attend Chief King's funeral alongside Ramirez and their daughters. King's death deeply saddened her as she had known the man for years since her husband joined the police force. She couldn't understand why a man like King would kill himself, but she trusted that Adalet and Jones would solve the mystery just like they always do.

The last time Valentina appeared was at Adalet's going away party. She would miss the woman who had become her family over the past year, but just like she encouraged Ramirez to seek his dreams, she was happy that Adalet was moving on to a new adventure.

Season 2

Valentina and her daughters flew out to Pacific Bay to visit Ramirez and attend Adalet and Fili's wedding. They stayed for about two weeks and had a wonderful time together, checking out the sights, going to the beaches, and having fun.

Story Information

First appeared:

* A Night Out For The GBPD Team (cameo)

* Happy Birthday to You! (first speaking role)


* She's Catholic

* She comes from a line of bullfighters, and the career goes back generations. Since she is an only child, her father decided to keep the tradition going and taught her how to bullfight

* I realized a while after posting the Halloween chapter that the cartoon Elana of Avalor didn't come out until 2016 and, therefore, wouldn't have existed during the timeline of season 1. It's a minor detail, so for the sake of me not fixing it, let's pretend the cartoon came out 4 years earlier in the game's universe

* She sometimes joins her husband on his fishing trips. They turn those trips into mini vacations and go camping in the woods near the lake. If they go camping with the kids, the trips usually last for longer

* Her daughters love to style her hair

     * The three have even taught their father and older brother how to braid hair. While they might not be as good as the girls, Valentina loves whatever hairstyles her family comes up with for her

          * Even if sometimes those hairstyles result in a lot of knots that are painful to brush out

A/N: And that's a wrap, folks! Valentina was my final big profile OC (for now), so now it's on to the mini-profiles. I do have a list of OCs who I intend to make a mini-profile for, including:

Lucia Ramirez

Mariposa Ramirez

Itzel Ramirez

Renée Murphy

Kára Halvorsen

Aleksey Zima

These are all the OCs I feel are significant enough to have a profile (for now), but if any of my readers would like to suggest another OC for a mini-profile, go right ahead! I won't promise to make the profile(s), as I don't really want to create profiles for OCs who had such a minor role in my story. For instance, victims/suspects/killers who appeared in one chapter and had no connection to anyone or who never appeared or were mentioned again.

Also, would you guys like me to post the mini profiles on my Tumblr and Deviantart accounts? I'm on the fence about posting them there, but if you guys would like it, then I'll do it!

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