Despite his failing health, Léon was devoted to his baby brother. He was home-schooled and spent his days with Yann, always ready to help his mother with anything and everything the baby needed. Feeding, bath time, diaper changes, playtime... You name it Léon was at Martha's side offering to help.

He still remembers watching Yann take his first steps like it was just yesterday, the same goes for his brother's first word: a squeaky "Leo!" as the toddler made grabby hands at Léon.

When Yann was four, one of his classmates in preschool contracted whooping cough. The child recovered but they returned to preschool while they were still carrying pathogens. Yann brought the illness home with him and tho he never developed whooping cough, Léon did. The next morning, Léon was barely breathing. Léon remembers his father carrying him to the car and flashes of the drive to the hospital but he passed out before they reached the emergency room.

The doctors nearly ordered Léon's parents to have him placed in a treatment facility and so they found a long-term youth center in Innovation Valley for him to stay in until he could receive his lung transplant. He begged his parents to keep him a secret from Yann since he didn't want his brother growing up thinking he was the reason his brother couldn't come home, nor did he want anyone to bully Yann for having a "dying brother". Children can be cruel, he wasn't homeschooled just because of his health...

Léon got his double lung transplant shortly before his 17th birthday but he still had a lot of rehab to go through. Once he was medically cleared, he joined the army. He wanted to become someone his brother would be proud of before meeting him again. It was during a deployment to India that he met Devi Pandit. After a whirlwind romance, Devi got pregnant but Léon had already been sent back to America by the time she found out.

Devi later gave birth to their child who she named Titania Martha Toussaint, as Léon had told her a Midsummer's Night Dream was his favourite play and that his mother's name was Martha. Devi abandoned the child at the hospital as they had been born blind and she considered the child useless. The child was sent to an orphanage and later taken in by their grandfather Kavi Pandit.

Meanwhile, Léon returned to America to learn that his parents had been murdered by The Puppeteer and his little brother had been taken in by their mother's sister. Léon, ashamed at having abandoned his brother, never got up the courage to meet him again and moved to New Orleans to continue working for the army as a training officer.

After living in New Orleans for several years, Kavi Pandit appeared with his and Devi's child. While initially shocked, Léon was quick to fall into the role of a father. There were challenges due to his child's blindness and lack of proper care while at the orphanage, but Léon did everything in his power to ensure his child's happiness and health were maintained.

When his child was around thirteen, they told Léon they didn't feel like a girl and wanted to be a boy. Léon accepted the change easily and helped his son pick out the name Nathan. He's very proud of everything his son has accomplished and the two keep in touch. Léon was ecstatic when he learned he was going to be a grandfather and had the opportunity to meet Oberon and Avi on several occasions when Nathan lived in Concordia.

Events of Criminal Case

Season 1

Léon was briefly mentioned by Nathan however due to rules put in place by UNIT Director Kovac, undercover agents are not to have any contact with their families while undercover. That is why Nathan had to pretend he had never met Léon when in reality, they were regularly speaking to each other prior to him moving to Grimsborough.

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