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🚨swear words, use of the term god

Late-night patrols quickly became Tartaruga's favourite part of the day, although he still didn't like the idea of being a part of a team it was a nice break from being the most disliked kid in school. The wind in his hair, the stars just above his fingertips, the beautiful view of the Sydney Harbour, it all just be him feel free.

"Must you always bring candy?" Ladybeetle asked his patrol partner. Being partnered up with Ladybeetle was the only thing about patrols that he hated, Tartaruga begged Honeybee to trade partners with Ladybeetle but she refuses, saying that these patrols might help them get along. Tartaruga doubts it.

"It's lollies," Tartaruga corrected, it is obvious that Ladybeetle is American, his accent is strong plus the boy is oblivious to Australian words and slang, of course, Tartaruga doesn't say anything though, he finds humour in messing with him. Tartaruga grabbed out a red snake and took a bite, "Yes, I do."

Ladybeetle crossed his arms, "It's unprofessional."

"Good thing this isn't my profession."

"You are the most annoying little br-" Ladybeetle caught himself, Tartaruga is his teammate, not his enemy. He took a deep breath, "Why do you dislike me so much?"

Tartaruga ate the last of the snake and grabbed a yellow one this time, "I don't dislike you, I just dislike what you stand for."

"And that is?"

"Authority." Tartaruga said with a small glare, "I'm not stupid, I don't believe the whole 'there is no leader' bullshit because despite what any of us believe there is a leader and that's you, you have the ladybug miraculous and you just aren't doing enough will your miraculous. There must be a reason you got the most powerful miraculous but I haven't seen it yet, it's like you are afraid of giving being a hero a real shot."

Ladybeetle stared at Tartaruga dumbfounded, he didn't know what to say. A part of him felt offended while another part knew that Tartaruga was right, "I'm afraid of not being good enough," he finally said after a long silence. "I have never been good enough, not for this team, not for my par-" his mouth became dry as he realised his eyes were watery. He hadn't even realised his parents' abandonment had still hurt him, two years ago he told himself he wouldn't grieve them and he didn't, so he sure as hell isn't going to start now. "I'm worried that if I really try, I'm going to fail and let Ladybug down."

'well, he opened up a lot quicker than i expected' Tartaruga thought to himself, though he didn't want to make a small gab about it, he actually wanted to get along with Ladybeetle in this moment.

"I get that," Tartaruga finished eating the snake in his hand and took a deep breath, "I often feel like I let down my parents, I'm not exactly the baby girl they wanted. When I told them I was genderfluid it took my father a while to accept it, my father was respectful about it but he doesn't need to say that I let him down because he has never looked at me the same." Tartaruga looked at the bag of lollies, he is sure that diabetes wasn't in his parents' plans for him. He grabbed out another snake and bit it, quickly speaking once more, "but now my father has bigger problems then my gender identification, so that's something."

"So does this mean you don't hate me anymore?"

Tartaruga faked a laugh, "Ha! No."

Ladybeetle smiled, though Tartaruga's answer wasn't what he wanted to hear it made him feel a lot better, because Tartaruga said it in a joking tone, he was joking with him. "Are you going to keep bringing candy to patrol?"

"Yes, unless you want me to blackout mid-fight." Ladybeetle titled his head, clueless to the fact that Tartaruga was referring to his diabetes.

Suddenly the alarm on Ladybeetle and Tartaruga's yoyo and shell went off, "Are you going to tell me what this secret emergency meeting is about?"

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