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Pierre has never been one with words, his aunt is a lady with very few of them and growing up her conflict-free mindset rubbed off on him. So when Lee ditched him for yet another date with May, Pierre didn't know what to say. The dirty haired blond groaned in frustration, his head sinking deeper in his pale hands, of course May wants to spend time with Lee! They are dating after all, the voice in his head was sharp and sounded as if it was full of jealousy. A part of him hates May, the dark-haired teen never did anything wrong, they are actually one of the kindest people he knows but still, a part of him just wished they would disappear.

He's not jealous he tries telling himself, that May is Lee's partner, Pierre is his best friend but a part of him knows that his heart is green with jealousy. "Why does this bother me so much!" He groaned into his hands, the muffled sound of annoyance being clear for everyone to hear.

"What bothers you?" A quirky voice asked, Pierre jumped as the earphones in his ears fell out. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

"You didn't scare me," Pierre muttered as he collected his earphones, the person raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "I was just surprised... What do you want Quartz?"

"You know my name?" Quartz asked excitedly.

"Yeah, May talks about you sometimes..."

The pinked haired demigirl smiled proudly, as if they were a child who spelt a word correctly in a spelling bee, Pierre couldn't help but roll his eyes slightly, May Yontarak talks about you, big whoop.

"Anyway, Pierce, what's the problem?"

"My problem is none of your business."

"I know," she popped her words as she sat on the edge of the bowl with him, "But it is always good to talk about your feelings."

"I don't even know you," Pierre moved away from the demigirl, leaving enough room for a whole new person between them.

Quartz held out her hand, "I'm Quartz Lennon, I'm sixteen, I use they/she pronouns, I'm an exchange student from Britain, I have two amazing dads and a little sister named Jaime. There! You know me now!"

Pierre raised an eyebrow at Quartz and their welcoming grin, he shook her hand, "Pierre, not Pierce."

"Oh! Sorry, names have always been hard for me," their cheeks flushed a bright pink as Quartz tried to hide her embarrassment, "So about your problem- think I can help now?"

The boy sighed, "It's silly but Lee and I had planned to hang out here but he remembered he already had a date May."

"And this bothers you?" Quartz asked, Pierre, hesitated before giving a small nod. "Is the problem that Lee is dating May again or that it bothers you?"

"It's-" that Lee is dating May again, he thinks but he knows he can't say that to Quartz, especially since May and Quartz are friends, "That I'm bothered by it."

Quartz nodded, "It sounds like you're in love with him."

"What?!" Pierre exclaimed, "No! No, no, no! Lee, he's- he's just a friend."

"Wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong," they shrugged. Quartz grabbed out a piece of lemon favoured gum, "Would you like one?"

"Yes please," he said quietly as he fidgeted with the cords of his earphones, Pierre thought about the possibility of him being in love with Lee, and his cheeks started to warm up, oh no.

"Are you okay? You look redder than Freddie Smith's hair," Quartz titled her head, "I can run across the road and get a thermometer if you need."

"No!" He put his hod on, "I'm fine, it's just a little cold." That technically wasn't a lie, the sky was grey and the weather gloomy, the wind growing more powerful by the second.

"Really?" They asked, "It's only like eighteen degrees."

"That's cold for Sydney," Quartz responded with a small 'oh'.

Pierre turned his attention back to the bowl, a lump appears in his throat, "If you were in love with your best friend," he paused for a second, Pierre clicked his nails together as he tried to find the confidence to finish his question, "What- what would you do?"

Quartz thought of Nessa, if she was in love with Nessa would she say anything? Probably not. "I would be too afraid to lose the friendship." Pierre sighed, "I'm sorry, I know that probably isn't what you wanted to hear."

"No, it's fine, this is just the rhetorical after all."


Quartz shifted in the now awkward silence, a single drop of water fell on her face, then another, and another, "It's raining!" They exclaimed.

"You like rain?" Pierre questioned, most people dislike the gloomy precipitation, not Pierre though. He has always loved rain even before he could walk, he has the smallest memory of his maman and papa sitting with him looking out a window and counting the second it took for the next lightning to strike.

Quartz smiled, "It reminds me of home, this time of year it always rains in London."

In seconds the rain went from pleasant to heavy, Quartz was the first to admit they couldn't just sit and enjoy the rain, "The Dales are probably waiting for me, I hope that your problem works itself out, Pierce."

Pierre stood up as well, he lives near the railway so he would have to find a bus back home, "Don't tell Lee and May about this please."

Quartz made the action of zipping their lips, "Don't worry I'm very good at keeping secrets."


Sorry that chapter felt so rushed! I was going to do something else but the original chapter was deleted and I couldn't find the motivation to rewrite the chapter again.

Any request for future chapters or scenes? I currently don't have an idea for the next chapter so I'm open to any ideas!

Like, comment and tell me what you thought!

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