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"So what's the plan?" Tartaruga asked Ladybeetle, unlike most of the other heroes, he was conscious of the fact that the gang are just support for the ladybug themed hero and honestly, he was fine being a sidekick.

"We..." Ladybeetle hesitated, he didn't have a plan.

Night Noir looked at Ladybeetle, waiting for a plan but when they didn't receive one he came up with a plan of his own. "We learn her powers, learning her strengths is a place to start."

Peafowl nodded, "Got it."

Ladybeetle started panicking, "Peafowl wait-" but it was too late. The light pink-haired superhero with dark will highlights rushed into action, a plan forming in her mind as she goes. Honeybee rolled her dark brown eyes, way to go boss.

"Come get me, Mary Beth!" Peafowl teased as she waved her hand fan, a smirk on their face. The blonde-haired akuma turned to face Peafowl, her grey suit matching Peafowl's eyes.

Tartaruga facepalm, "Pinkie's going to get theirself killed."

"It's Hersay!" The akumatized villain yelled as the gang practically saw steam pouring out of her.

"Yeah, whatever- amokization!" Peafowl grabbed a feather from their hand fan and used their powers to make an amokizated feather, "I hope this works-" Peafowl opened their hand as a large semimonster appeared in front of them, forming from nothing but dark blue bubbles coming from their miraculous, she smiled, it happened to like their kwami said it would. "Ha- I didn't know what was going to work!"

Honeybee rolled her eyes, she was unimpressed like the rest of the group who all were practically gobsmacked, "Cool your powers work, ours does too, it's nothing special."

"You don't need to be such a bitch."

Renard bounced, from years of being friends with Lee he could tell when a fight was on its way, "Oh shit-"

"Children!" Night Noir remaindered the three about the last time they spoke of swearing, children look up to them now, they're superheroes.

Ladybeetle was watching akuma fight Peafowl's semimonster, Ladybeetle knows that the new Hawkmoth is the enemy but he couldn't help but feel bad for them, like- this akuma doesn't even seem to have any powers. Peafowl's semimonster is a kangaroo, Ladybeetle tried not to laugh as the semi-kangaroo stood on its two hindlimbs and had its two front limbs out throwing punches at the akuma, as Ladybeetle looked at Peafowl, the boy could tell she was enjoying their powers as well. "Something about this is wrong..."

"What do you mean?" The ladybug themed hero's partner asked. Night Noir had seen anything odd or wrong, sure a fighting kangaroo is an odd sight but from what his cousin's boyfriend has told him it's actually a common sight, a kangaroo fighting an akuma- not so much but at the end of the day, the boy's ring turns him into a cat-themed superhero with the power of destruction everything is odd.

"I'm not sure..." Ladybeetle grabbed his yo-yo, trying to block out the sound of the bee, fox and peacock themed hero's argument, "Tikki, help me out. Lucky Charm!"

Night Noir titled his head, his dark black hair falling out of its neat do, "A 장갑?"

Ladybeetle didn't need to know Korean to understand that his partner was questioning his superpower, he was too, "A glove? Tikki what am I might to do with a glove?!" Obviously, he got no reply, Ladybeetle put the glove on his left hand, fidgeting and playing with it as he watched Peafowl, The Semikangroo and Hersay fight. "Hersay is wearing a glove but she's not wearing any of her other jewellery or normal accessories."

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