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(Author's pov)..

Jeongguk surely love's taehyung alot,and he proved it today,by announcing infront of whole world that he is deeply, madly and immensely in love with taehyung, and he is adamant to fight for taehyung's love...


I love you guys alot,i respect you guys alot,and in return i want same amount of love and respect, and if you can't give that to me,so please stop judging and interfering in my life, until now i was living my life according to other's wants and will, but not anymore,now i will live my life the way i want,and with whom i want,so wether you except us or not ,i don't care, cause i will still do,what I wanna do.....!(saying this Jeongguk went on his knees, grabbing taehyung's hands ,making him turned shock and surprised both, while earning gasp from other's..

Hey my pretty princess,aish what am i even saying,i m soo nervous right now ,help me god,ahh well here we go again 1 n 2 n 3, so my pretty precious,i know it's all of a sudden for you,but for me i had this thought in my mind from the time i first saw you,in that park , you took my breath away back than,and u still do it every freaking day, i am not sounding so cringey right precious...?(jeongukk questioned  taehyung laughing through tear's , and taehyung replied nodding his head in negative , while pouring tear's of Happiness..

Okay so Precious ,i was saying, you love me,i love you,you want me ,i want you,you need me,i need you,so what's stopping us let's become one , what say...??(jeongukk questioned hopefuly,just when taehyung was about to say something jeongguk interupt him..

Wait wait precious, let me try once more,this proposal isn't romantic ,so here we go again,...!(jeongguk might be teasing taehyung, but taehyung can hear deep Sincerity in jeongguk's voice and in his every Word's..

My light in darkness ,my precious,you want to know why i wanna marry you..?(jeongguk asked to taehyung..

Y yes g gukkie..!(taehyung replied while sniffing..

I wanna marry you precious , because you are the first person, whom i wanna look at ,when i woke up in morning, and the only one whom i wanna give goodnight kisses to, because the first time i look at these pretty hand's of yours,i couldn't imagine not being able to hold them, and mainly because,when u love someone as much as i love you, getting married is the only thing left to do....!(saying this Jeongguk picked out a beautiful ring from his pocket, holding it tightly inside his palm ,then continued to speak..

!(saying this Jeongguk picked out a beautiful ring from his pocket, holding it tightly inside his palm ,then continued to speak

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So my Precious ,will you marry your gukkie,and allow him to bring lot's of taegukkie's in your life...!?(jeongguk proposed to taehyung infront of whole world, without having any second thoughts or fears , about what people will say..

Taehyung wanna live this moment to the fullest, if back than someone would have asked him, about being proposed by jeon jeongguk infront of whole world, he could have laughed it off, saying are you guys making fun of me,but not now , not anymore,cause this is the reality of taehyung life,the person whom taehyung love with his heart and soul,love him equally maybe more,NO is not an option , ofcourse taehyung will always say YES ,to Jeongguk ,with fear of what people will say, getting afraid of his insecurities, taehyung won't let his Gukkie go from his life,he will except jeongguk and his proposal,so wiping his tear's off , taehyung was about to give reply to his Gukkie ,who was waiting patiently for his precious answer,but loud chants and screams stopped him..


Hearing positive chants , taehyung and jeongukk both took breath of relief,there real fans have excepted them and there pure love, what else they need..

SAY,YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES!YES...(jeongukk fan's, media,his hyungs, taehyung friends who reached Venue few minutes back,joined the chant happily..

Your gukkie is waiting precious,see now everyone wants to see our lil taegukkie's,so don't let them wait...!(jeongukk teased taehyung, cause somehow, deep inside his heart he already knows the answer..

Gukkie, we can't name our every child "taegukkie",so we have to think about few new names,ummm how does "kimchi" sound...?(taehyung to confessed playfully..

It's sounds beautiful my precious so beautiful...!(saying this jeongukk picked taehyung up in the air and twirl him around, earning a deep laughter from his baby..

Can't wait to call you my "HUSBAND" precious...!(murmuring this near taehyung's lips, jeongukk made  taehyung's wear that ring,who was crying so badly..

I love you gukkie,i love you so much...!(taehyung mumbled back..

And I love you so much more....!(answering back jeongguk smashed his lips on taehyung, claiming his man infront of whole world..

The screening venue was full with, happiness hooting, cheering and clapping..

To be continued...


Hey Lovelies new update is here do read vote and comment please..

How is this story until now my lovelies,??

Love Saddy 💜..

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