Snacks and showers

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Feeling like he needed a break from cleaning, he went to help himself to a snack. Or to be more accurate he quit his task in order to do some stress eating instead. He grabbed onto a carton of milk and chugged straight from it, not at all caring to get a glass. 'She's so dangerous but she's also just another damsel in distress regardless...she probably has no one else either.' The carton was now empty, he slammed it onto the table with enough force to scrunch it up. 'She's all alone...'

Barley stares off into space for a moment, unsure what would be the right course of actions to take. After a while of thinking, thinking about just how much pain she appeared to be in he finally came to a conclusion. 'I will be the very first man in history to find a way to break this curse.' That is when a spark of inspiration had hit him. 'The first one to find the cure?! The first one in history to be able to do such a thing that no one had ever figured out before?!' A big smile suddenly appeared on his face at the very thought. 'Heck, if I can do this I will be a legend! A freakin legend! Haha! Maybe this whole thing isn't so bad after all!' The elf began to jump up and down a bit with excitement, thinking about future generations who will look back on him as a hero just like in the days of old.

That is when he heard the sound of a door opening, he quickly headed back towards the bathroom to see how his guest was doing. He was eager to make sure she was ok and also eager to try and break the curse. "So how'd you-"

Barley was silenced by what he saw next, the shirt was way way too big, she had to hold onto it to keep it from slipping down past her body. As for the jeans, they were already on the floor, her feet were practically lost in them. The shirt was long enough to cover up her underwear but a good amount of skin was still showing. She may have been scrawny and bruised up but she still looked rather pretty or so Barley thought. His face went bright red as he stares, his shirt slipping past her shoulders entirely. "Uh...ok that's not going to work...wait here."

Barley wondered off yet again, still blushing ever so slightly as he entered his brother's room next. He could borrow clothes from his mother certainly but he knew if he did she would easily find out one way or another, she was too smart for that. As for Ian he was smart as well but he wouldn't notice if a shirt of his goes missing and he certainly wouldn't bother to question Barley over it. It occurred to Barley as well it might be the only thing that could fit her considering his brother is so slender himself. Out of all the other clothes this had to be the only thing that wouldn't simply fall off this tiny creature. He grabbed onto a pair of jeans and a shirt and rushed back to the bathroom. "Here, try putting these on instead. Ian won't notice...I'm sure of it."

Izzy stares at the new clothes that were being offered to her and took them, she went back into the bathroom to change. It didn't take much time at all before she came back out again. "Alright so how are-" once again Barley was cut off. They seemed to fit well enough in certain spots but it was definitely snug around the chest and the hips. Barley began to blush once again, he quickly darts past her into the bathroom to pick up her dirty clothes. He wanted to get them clean as soon as possible. "Ok that works well enough! I'm just gonna go wash these now!" He cried out, blushing more and more. He was going to just ask her to throw her clothes out the door once she undressed in order to get started on them right away but he forgot.

The imp didn't seem too bothered by it though and she didn't even seem to be able to tell just how flustered the elf was. She just stood there, staring off into space with her large blue eyes. She slowly placed her hand over her chest, feeling where her heart was buried inside her skin. The emotional wounds took a much more physical form and the cuts on her heart were growing still but it seems like the process has slowed down. Blazey went over to the little imp and began to lick at her feet, clearly she wanted to get her attention. The feeling of emptiness vanished just for that brief moment as she looks down at the friendly little animal. She then sat on the floor with her, giving her even more pets. With this curse it was hard to be able to tell who she really was through the thick barrier of her pain but one aspect of her was obvious. She had a love for things like dragons, maybe even a love for animals. As Barley walks back towards her after putting her clothes in the wash he can see that. She seemed way more comfortable around Blazey than with him. " you're more than welcome to hang out here as long as you'd like but do you have a home or anything?" Barley asks, smiling nervously. He didn't want to trigger anything by mistake but he needed to try and learn some things about her.

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