Varian's Birthday

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Since Varian's birthday is Today, i was thinking of doing a birthday chapter for him, Enjoy!

Hugo's POV

I was in the throne room of the castle with the rest of Varians friends, and his father, Today is Varian's Birthday and we are gonna be setting up his Suprise birthday part, I stood up in front of the thrones and started talking

"Alright Everyone, we got 4 hours to Turn this throne room in a party room, i got jobs for everyone" i said

I proceeded to read a list of jobs

"Atila, You are in charge of the cake, Monty, your in charge of the sweets, Rapunzel and Nuru, your both in charge of the banner, Eugene and Lance, your in charge of the rest of the decorations with Angry and Katalina's help"

As i was reading, i heard the door open and saw Varian walk in

"Hey Guys, Why is everyone in here?" Varian asked

"Oh Because Hugo was asking us advice on your guys next date, which is today!" Rapunzel lied,

She then walked over and grabbed my arm, while she was pulling me over to Varian she whispered in my ear

"Alright, make sure he is gone long enough, Ill send Pascal when everything's ready"

I nodded and handed her the list before i was pushed in front of Varian

"Ummm, Alright? You usually dont need advice for any of our dates but lets give it a shot, where to first?" Varian asked me

"Ummmm, How about the Enchanted Library to check out some of those new alchemy books you wanna ready" i answered

Varian nodded and grabbed my hand before we both walked out of the throne room

~Time skip~

I was sitting in the enchanted library with Varian laying his head in my lap while reading, i was moving my head through his hair, it feels really soft,

Varian is gonna have the best birthday party ever, Lots of his friends, his family, his Extremely handsome boyfriend, and nothing is gonna get in my way of giving him the best birthday party ever,

I was knocked out of my thoughts when i felt a kiss on my cheek, i blushed and saw varian blushing as well, He stood up and pulled me up as well, He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me in for a kiss on the lips, i kissed him back, We proceeded to spend the next 10 minutes making out, Not hard making out, Just kiss for about a minute, Take a second to breathe then start kissing again, Repeat

The make out session was stopped when i felt a very wet tounge in my ear, i screamed a bit and saw Pascal on my shoulder,

"Oh, its just you, is the party ready?" I whispered quiet enough so that Varian could not hear, Pascal nodded, i smiled and grabbed Varians hand

"Alright babe, i got a suprise for you, come with me" i said to Varian as i grabbed his hand, He nodded and we both ran out of the library

~Time skip~

Me and Varian arrived at the entrance of the throne room, I slowly opened the door and walked in with Varian, My hand still grasping his hand, after about a 10 seconds the lights came on, and Everyone came out of hiding

"Suprise!" They all yelled

Varian got so scared that he jumped into my arms and i was carrying him bridal style, he stayed like that for about 3 seconds before he got out of my arms, and started looking around

"You guys planned this for me?" Varian asked,

"Actually, Hugo was the one who made all the plans, we just had him distract you for a few hours so we could set everything up" Yong said,

Varian turned and looked at me, His face beaming with joy, he walked back over and hugged me tightly, i hugged back, when the hug broke, he looked at me

"You did all this for me?" He asked

"Of course i did, you deserve it, your the most adorable, kind, and smartest person i know, I love you" i said

Varian blushed a lot and smiled

"I love you to" he said to me, i pulled him in and kissed him right on the lips for about 6 seconds

~Time skip~

The party was a blast, Varian enjoyed the cake, me and him danced a little bit, We played games together, and He loved the present, now its time to give him mine

I was standing on the balcony of Princess Rapunzels room, and heard Varian walk over,

"The princess said you wanted to see me?" He said as he walked over, i nodded before handing him a small box

"I got you a little something, Probably not as good as a party at the castle but i hope you like it" i said to him

He opened the box and inside of it was a braclet, the braclet was made of gold and has It lined with Emeralds and Teal saphires and engraved on each gem was our letters, The emeralds had an H on them and Sapphires has V's on them

Varian put the Braclet on and kissed me, i kissed him back, when the kiss broke i saw Rapunzel and Eugene watching us, they both had smiles on their faces, i smiled a bit

"Cmon, lets get back to the party" Varian said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me off the balcony

Varian is adorable, the most adorable boy ever, and i cant wait to see what his next birthday brings

Varigo (Oneshots)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin