Varigo ask out

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This is an owl house chapter, Varian tries to ask out Hugo, its based on the episode Knock, Knock, Knockin on hootys door, Spoilers ahead


Varian's POV

I was sitting on the couch looking at the mouth that I kept in a small cage, he had eaten some part of the diary that could help me get home, I just added some cool stuff into it

"Oh cmon mousey, if you are not happy, how am I gonna make my way into Hugo's heart?" I said to the mouse, I blushed realizing what I just said, "I mean, make a portal home" I corrected

I blushed, remembering what happened at Hugo's mansion the other day


I walked up to the mansion and knocked on the door, it took about 2 minutes before I saw Hugo answer the door, his hair looked different, it used to be blonde, but now it's Green fading into blue, I blushed, he looked so handsome

"Oh, Hey Varian" Hugo said

I handed Hugo his card that got taken when he was fired from the library,

"I am so sorry about what happened, I worked incredibly hard and it took a lot of convincing, i got your job back for you" I explained to him

I saw him blush a lot, and smile

"Well the trip wasn't a total loss, I found out something about this little guy" Hugo said to me

Then the mouse started playing a clip, the clip was created when he ate some of the pages of the journal, after it was done, Hugo placed the mouse in my hands

I smiled, "I think you and I are gonna be great friends," I said to the mouse

i was looking at it when I felt a pair of lips on my cheek, i looked and saw hugo was the one who had kissed me, I looked at him and his face turned red, He then turned and walked back inside his house.

~End of flashback~

I smiled a bit.

i snapped out of my trance when I heard a noise downstairs, I stood up from the couch and headed over to the basement door, I opened it and walked downstairs. when I got down there, i saw Hugo!?!

"Hugo?" I asked, I moved closer, turns out it's not Hugo, just some stuff piled up, I took a deep breathe, what are the chances of Hugo actually being here?

I accidentally kicked a thing on the ground, and it started to move, after a few seconds, it opened and Hugo was inside it, he was gasping for air, as he sat up

"Hugo? are you ok?" I asked him as I ran over,

"I was just eaten by an owl then spit back out, so no, not really" Hugo answered, I helped him stand up, I held his hand and both of us started blushing.....

I then heard the ground open up and Me and Hugo fell down this giant hole, When we landed, I stood up and saw some sort of boat, I looked around and saw all this romantic stuff, Oh No,


~Time skip~

I stepped out of the boat with Hugo, and he was Avoiding Eye Contact with me,

"Hugo, I am sorry, this was all Hooty's stupid idea," I said to Hugo

"Yeah, this was stupid, I mean, us? Dating, yeah, that is stupid" Hugo said to me

I was crushed, then Hooty just shot between us screaming and crying


Me and Hugo climbed out of the tunnel and ran over to the front of the house

"What's going on?" Hugo asked

"I don't know, but things get crazy when hooty is in a bad mood" I answered

Then the ground started to shake, I looked up at the tower and a huge piece of it started falling toward us, Me and Hugo crouched down onto the ground and covered out heads, I then heard Ruddiger Yell and the piece was destroyed, I looked over at Hugo and Blushed.

i then heard a large hole open up but it didn't go down far, I stood up and ran over to Hugo,

"Oh my gosh, are you ok Hugo?" I asked

"im all good" Hugo stood up

I started to get nervous

"Ok, I was just-I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now, but I wanted to do it in the best place, and when we were in the tunnel of love, I thought "Hugo is way too cool for this"" I said while stuttering a bit at the beginning

Hugo blushed a bit and said "well, I'm not that cool" 

I took a deep breath and continued "i know things are crazy, and I have no idea what my future holds but I know I want you in it, and Well...Umm" I got extremely nervous

I took a very deep breath before Hugo asked quickly, "Do you want to go out with me?" 

I chuckled softly and said "Nooo, I was so close," I said jokingly

Hugo laughed before saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you can say it" 

"Hugo, do you wanna go out with me?" I asked

"Yes!" Hugo answered

I smiled before nervously grabbing Hugo's hand,

Wow.......Hugo is now my boyfriend, this feels amazing

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