The Sun drop

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Ok, Explanation time, so at the end of season 1, Varian is the antagonist. But in this version, Varians friends are gonna help him, and which i mean Hugo, Yong, and Nuru. Its kinda like a prequel to the how can i trust you 2 parter
Varian's POV

"Hello Corona" Hugo said into a megaphone(i know they didnt exsist back then), as fog surrounded corona. "Something  dark is coming for you" Yong then said into his megaphone, "the king of this fair kingdom has refused to Ecknowledge it and anyone who has tried to has been banished from this kingdom" Nuru said. I was standing behind my friends as they spoke into the megaphone, basically giving a speech to everyone in corona, as they were talking, Hugo looked at me and nodded. So i ran into the castle in my diguise to kidnap the queen, i kept hearing my friends talking into the megaphones, and hid when any guards ran past me, and while everyone was distracted with my friends, and Rudiger, i put my part of the plan and kidnapped the queen. You know, it was a lot more easier then I thought it would be

~Time skip~

I was back in old corona with my friends and Rudiger, "Thanks so much for your help guys" I said as i climbed down from a ladder "Anytime! Well not anytime cause were hoping this will be a one time thing" Yong said, then he started rambling about whats going on, until nuru stopped him "Dont worry bud, i am sure this is just a one time thing, right Varian?" Nuru asked, "of course it is, all we gotta do is get Rapunzel here and she will help me get back my dad and everything will be alright" i said. I looked at Rudiger and smiled, "All of us could get what we want, a family, knowledge, even treasure if we wanted but i dont want treasure and im pretty sure none of us want that" i countinued, "All were interested in is helping out friend" Hugo said, a deep blush came across my face, and i noticed one on his face as well. "Thanks hugo" i said, "Now, you 3 stand guard of all entrances, make sure noone gets in or out, i know Rapunzel is planning an attack, so you 3 will arrive at the full on attack, while i face Rapunzel in here cause i know she is planning a sneak one in here as well to save the queen".

Hugo, Nuru, and Yong all nodded, Nuru and yong left the room first, i was alone with hugo for a second, i grabbed his hand, "Good luck Hugo" i said. He smiled and put his hand on me cheek, "You to" he said then he left the room

~Big time skip~
Hugo's POV

Varian was in his giant robot, he was charging at Rapunzel, i looked over at Cassandra, and she nodded, me and her had a conversation, and even though i wanted to help Varian, i know this is something he will deeply regret in the future, and i love him so much but i know that by stopping this, it will not only help us, but help him as well. I pulled the lever that controlled the robots down, the atomatons powered down and so did varians Robot, Rapunzel then shot a rock through the robot, Nuru and Yong put there hands over their mouths, and i teared up, "No!" Varian yelled, I saw Rapunzel had a face of guilt on her face.

~Time skip~

As Varian was being taken to the cell cart, Me, Nuru, and Yong walked over, "Can we talk to him for a sec?" Nuru asked, the guards looked at eachother and nodded before Varian looked at us, the guards put hand cuffs on Varian and stood behind him, "Listen Varian, we only did what we did so you wouldnt have to go through the guilt of a mistake later on" Nuru said, "The only reason you helped them was because you didnt wanna get arrested," Varian said, "Varian, We knew people would end up getting hurt and you as well, so we pulled the lever so you wouldnt have to go through the guilt later on" Yong said. Varian had tears streaming down his face, before he said

"Just shut up, i dont believe a word that comes out of any of your mouths, you lied to me about everything, i highly doubt that what your saying is the truth. I cant believe i was stupid enough to put my trust in you 3, and you know what the worst part is about all of this....." Varian looked me straight in the eyes with the tears the kept coming, "I was stupid enough to have fallen in love with you hugo, i thought you would have always been there for me, but once again, i was stupid". When varian was finished, he was taken by the guards to the cart, I looked at Nuru and yong, they both had looks of guilt in their eyes, i sighed and mumbled under my breath,

"I love you to Varian.......".

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