Falling Fast

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"So tell me everything, did you all get down and dirty", Jimin says sitting on the stool by the kitchen counter. "No of course not, I told you I am not going to stoop to Namjoon's level, two wrongs don't make a right and if he isn't cheating then I have no reason to feel guilty", I say sticking my tongue out. "So after he showed you his paintings what did you", Jimin asks excitedly. 

"We stopped for snacks and went back to the loft, he let me borrow pajamas and we cuddled on the couch watching tv, then we laid in bed and he held me, Jimin he held me so tight, we talked about our lives and I talked about Jiah", I start to cry, "I don't remember the last time Namjoon held me or asked me how my day was, come to think of it has he ever asked me how I'm doing, I think you are right Jimin, he married me to keep me away from everyone else." Jimin stood up and hugged me, "I'm sorry love, if anyone deserves happiness it's you and I hate to say it, you are not happy with Namjoon, today is the first time I have seen that sparkle in your eye again and that was when you talked about Jungkook." 

After Jimin left I went to Jiah's room to see him playing, "hi baby, did you have fun with Uncle Jimin." "Yes Papa, I always have fun with Uncle", he says. "Are you hungry", I ask him. He nods quickly and I laugh, "let's go cook dinner." Jiah sat at the kitchen counter drawing while I cut up the food for dinner, I hear my phone and think it's Joon checking up on us but I smile when I see Jungkook's name.

Jungkook - "Hi, I missed your voice and needed to hear it again."

Jin - I giggle, "You are so cheesy, I miss you too, what are you doing."

Jungkook - waiting for my cousin, he is coming over, he is having a really hard time with his husband, he has a four year old too, Iseul."

Jin - "I understand his pain, it hurts so bad knowing you've given this person everything you have and they can so easily toss it aside for someone else."

Jungkook - "Maybe you two could meet, I bet the boys would get along great."

Jin - "That sounds like a good idea, Jiah would love it."

Jungkook - "I also think Yoongi would enjoy having a friend that he can talk to and who will understand his pain."

After I hang up with Jungkook I finish up dinner, as Jiah and I eat he asks me, "who was on the phone Papa." "Papa's friend, why", I ask him.  "It wasn't Uncle Jimin because you looked really happy and you laughed, I haven't heard that in a long time", he says chewing his food, "daddy doesn't make you smile anymore, he only makes you cry." I feel tears spring to my eyes, "dont talk with food in your mouth baby." I didn't know what to say, what do you say to a four year old who notices everything. After lunch we sat on the couch and watched a movie, my phone beeps and its Namjoon texting.

Joon - Are you guys okay

Jin - Yea 

Joon - You haven't communicated with me at all this trip, I was worried

Jin - I knew you were busy and so was I

He texted something else but I put my phone away, not really caring, "lets go to the park." Jiah jumped up from the couch and ran to get his shoes, "lets go Appa, lets go." I giggle at his cuteness and grab a water bottle before walking out. 


I miss him, I miss him not being here already, it felt so right with him here. I stand in front of my canvas and paint like a madman, he does this to me, I am so inspired by him. I hear the gate open on the elevator and the next thing I know I have a four year old hugging my leg, "Hi Iseul." I bend down and give him a hug, "Hi Kookie", he says. Yoongi comes in carrying bags, "what's all this." "I'm making us dinner", he says. I hear something in his voice and I dont like it, "Yoongi, what's going on, what's wrong." He leans against the counter, "the PI found them, he is bringing the pictures by later, I hope that's okay, I didn't want to be alone." "Of course its okay, what did you get, can I help", I ask not knowing what to say. 

We sat down to eat and I notice Yoongi just picking at his, "Yoongi, what do you want to do now." "Punch something or someone, cry, yell, scream, Jungkook the pain right here", he points to his heart, "hurts so fucking bad that I dont know if it will ever go away, if it could ever go away." I stand up and pull him up hugging him, "it will go away Yoongi I promise you, the heart is stronger than we give it credit for." We sit back down and finish dinner quietly, after we clean up we sit and watch tv until we hear the bell, "Ill go down." I run downstairs and meet the PI, "here you go, the pictures are in here and tell Mr. Min I will email him a bill.

I took the envelope from him and held it for a second, afraid to go up and face Yoongi, I took a few deep breaths and went back upstairs. "Here you go Yoon, he said he would email you a bill", I say handing him the envelope. He holds it in his hands, turning it over and over, "I cant open it, I'm afraid." "Do you want me to open it for you", I ask. He hands it to me and I rip open the top, pulling the pictures out I see Hoseok holding hands with a tall guy, handsome with dimples as he smiles, I close my eyes tight because I know this is going to hurt. 

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