When they Met

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The first time Namjoon saw Jin on Campus, he knew that he was in love. The beauty was perfect in every way and Namjoon knew that he wouldn't stay single long looking like that, so he pursued him until Jin agreed to go on a date. They hit it off beautifully and after that first date they were inseparable, Namjoon was a Senior and Jin was a sophomore, so after Namjoon graduated he went to work at a local law firm until Jin finished school. They married shortly after Jin's graduation and a year later they had their son, Jiah. Namjoon was over the moon with his little family and couldn't believe how happy he was, Jin was a writer, so he could work from home and stay with their son.

It has been 5 years that the Kim's have been married, there son is 4 now and starting school, Jin has become a very successful writer and Namjoon has made partner in his law firm, they are very happy, at least Jin thought. He has noticed distance between him and Namjoon, late nights, text messages at all hours, and business trips that don't make any sense. 

Jin's best friend Jimin sits with him one day as Jin tells him about his fears. "He's cheating Jin, there is no other explanation, what lawyer has to travel out of town so much, its bullshit, let me find out its true and there will be some furniture moving up in this bitch", Jimin says angrily.  "You might be right Jimin but what do I do about it, I'm a good husband, our sex life has always been amazing, I stay home with our son and I am always attentive to his needs", Jin says defensively. 

"He's selfish Jin, he didn't love you in the beginning, he wanted you so that nobody else could have you, love may have developed over time but it sure as hell isn't present now if he is sticking his dick in someone else and don't you dare fucking get pregnant for him again if you are not sure what he is doing or who he is doing." "I stopped having sex with him when he started pulling away, I wasn't going to let him have his cake and eat it to, if he has someone else and isn't happy anymore than he needs to tell me so that I can take my child and move on", Jin says.


 "I'm with you every step, you know what lets go out tonight, it has been to long since we have gone out after dark", Jimin laughs. "Ill call my mom and see if she will watch Jiah", I say grabbing my phone and texting my mom. Jimin left to get ready and I am packing Jiah's bag, my mom is stopping by to get him. 

He sat on my bed drawing a picture while I picked out something to wear, "how about this little man, is this nice." "It's nice Appa but I like the purple one better", he says not taking his eyes off his picture. "This one", I say grabbing my purple button up. He looks up and nods his head, "yes that one, it makes you look so beautiful Appa." I tear up a little and sit next to him, "thank you baby, that made Appa so happy." 

I looked at his picture and it was beautiful but it was only of him and I, "you didn't add daddy to your picture." "Nope, it's just you and I now a days, daddy's never around anymore", he says breaking my heart. I swear to god if he is cheating on me he will never see his son again, "I'm sorry baby, he must be really busy." 

"It's okay Appa, it's more fun without him", he says handing me my picture. "This is so beautiful, gosh you are so talented, I'm going to frame this one", I say hugging him. The doorbell goes off and he jumps off the bed, "grandma is here." He runs out of my room and I follow after him to make sure it's my mom. "Come in Grandma", Jiah says launching himself into her arms. 

"Oh my big big boy, grandma can't pick you up any more, you will have to start carry grandma", my mom says. Jiah laughs and pretends to pick her up, "Baby get your bag and pillow so you can go, I am sure Grandpa is anxious to see his little man." "You are going out I take it, with Jimin I hope", my mom asks. "Yes and yes", I say. "It's about time, who knows where your two timing husband is, probably has his manhood in someone he shouldn't", my mom says angrily.

 "Mom good grief, really", I laugh. She hugs me tightly and I want to cry but I know that if he is cheating he doesn't deserve my tears, "you are the strongest person I know, you will be fine with or without him." "I had a good role model", I say hugging her tighter. "Oh my baby, if he hurts you I swear to god your father doesn't mind going back to prison", she says.

 I laugh, "dad has never been to prison." She smiles, "you know what I mean though." I nod and Jiah runs to the door, "let's go Grandma, grandpa is waiting for me." I laugh and hug and kiss my son, "I love you, please be good and use your manners." "Always Appa", he smiles. After they leave I finish getting ready, Jimin texts that he is outside and I grab my stuff, locking up and running down the stairs.

 I walk toward the car when my husband pulls into the garage, "where are you going." "Out, don't wait up", I say not caring anymore. "Where is my son", he asks. "MY son is with my parents, so go do whoever you want, I am staying at Jimin's tonight", I say getting into the car. "You will come home tonight Seokjin", he orders. "Sure Namjoon wait up for me if you want to", I close the door and we drive away.

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