lake side

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Alex had kinda woken up, he ended up wanting to go back to his room in his grandparents place so we took him there. I cleaned up my house and started fixing the window, soon I called Robin to help but she sent Sébastien to do it instead. "Hey, sorry she's great with everything except glass." He said with a toolbelt hanging on his hip. "Thats fine. Just need it fixed before tomorrow." He looked around and as he started replacing the glass itself he asked me what had happened. I didnt know what to say so I just responded, "an accident." Soon sam and Abby came running onto my farm and started yelling excitedly. "Seb! Dude guess what?! We got a gig in zuzu!" I watched them as I threw the left over glass pieces away. They all seemed so excited to go to the pit in zuzu.

"Oh I can't wait! Oh but seb, the vampire stuff has to be at a 0. There's a huge hunt for vampires in zuzu." Abby disclosed to the pale boy. "Wait...really? But I thought zuzu would be...I dont know filled with them. Are they really not ren?" Seb looked to me hoping for what his friend to have said be a lie. I sighed and told him thats a big reason I left. If there were any vampires left out there they went into deep hiding.

"Hey wanna come to the concert, ren?" I looked at sam who seemed to have completely let go of what had happened only hours ago. "Uh maybe. Im not super keen on returning." He nodded and they continued talking as seb finished the window. When he finished they went into town and I headed up the backwoods and found a little spot hidden by a tree by the lake. I sat there and enjoyed the cold spring wind hit me.

I closed my eyes and when I opened them seb was standing by me asking if he could sit beside me. "Go ahead." I said trying to ignore his scent. "Can I ask you something?" He looked out to the water. "Sure." I shut my eyes again just listening to the world now. "How come you mess with me the way you do? But...from what happened with you and Shane today, im just confused." He said but it didn't sound like he knew what he was actually saying. "What do you mean?" I looked over to him looking frustrated with a small wooden thing in his hands. "Sam told everyone what happened at your farm today. And he apparently knew what happened In the basement too. But the way you acted around me when we are flirt with me. I asked others and you've been pretty monotone with everyone else so.." I got up annoyed.

I didn't want to answer questions that I didnt even know the answers to. "Goodnight. Sébastien" I said monotone and walked off admiring the water one last time before vanishing into my home. I put the gates up and a protection around my land so no one could hurt anyone who was on the farm. and with that i spent the night farming and cleaning up my land, i found a old cave filled with bats and a broken greenhouse that i remember from when i was a kid. i started to walk into the broken glass and started to remember a small boy infatuated with the place, i remember seeing robin and grandpa talk about the building and wanting to make it a home for someone. as i started trying to remember more i heard someone come onto my farm. "hey im sorry" seb walked up to me and looked around the old building. "wow, do you remember being up here when we were kids..." he picked up some broken glass and threw it further into the building. "vaguely." I told him as i started to leave. he followed, i looked back trying to think back to if anyone else was ever on this farm when i was small but i couldnt. "you know, we were fairly good friends as kids." he walked next to me. and i started to wish alex was back here. 

we walked into the house and i put on the tv to stop him from trying to reminisce. i sat on the couch and he joined me still looking at me. "dude what do you want from me? i dont know the answers you want. i cant help myself with you and the way i acted, but ill stop if it means i wont be bothered like this." i said harshly wishing the words would stop coming out. "you dont have to push me away. i dont mind the way you act...i like it. but ill go" he looked upset and started walking out. I didnt actually want him to leave, i remember being closer with him then any other vampire ive ever known. and spending so many years with a pack messes a vampire up, so i stopped him. i shut the door before he could walk out and pushed him up against the wall, his eyes went from upset to confused but happy. i smirked at the look, the sweet innocent look. Looking at him up and down like he was my next meal i heard him gulp. "something wrong?" i asked mockingly. "" i laughed softly and moved away shaking my head. "ren wait" he grabbed my hand and flipped the roles but he tripped and we ended up falling on the couch with him ontop. "huh" i started blushing, and instead of pushing him i just waited. i wanted to see how far hed want to go, and to my expectation he apologized and got off me. he sat down on a arm chair and just took a breathe. "the lake was pretty." i said as i sat up and went to grab some blood for the two of us. " really like if you came to see us play next week." finally looking up at me as i handed him the drink. his hand brushed against mine and i suddenly started to miss the contact as i moved back to my seat. 

"yeah sure." i said and drank my blood in one gulp. "cool." he left after drinking his. I sat in the quiet cold house wishing his voice could fill it. why do i like him so much? sure he was the only vampire my age i actually knew and got along with but still. and i honestly think the shane thing is just....lust. a sin i will always be exhausted from. I decided some sleep would be nice, so i spent the rest of the day in bed. I never understood why some vampires like sleeping in coffins or like just closets, beds are so comfy even if we never truly sleep and i get the ironic thought but i just like a good soft bed with lots of blankets and pillows for no reason. 

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