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I have a feeling that most of this book shall be written on my phone, so I apologize for any formatting issues this may cause. This is the first fanfiction that I am sharing with the world, so I'm nervous. I hope it goes well! Let me know what you guys think!


"Otherworldly being talking"
'Other worldly being thinking'


Third POV

Ten figures stood on the only flat ground one is likely to see on this planet that has been so torn apart by war. They all had slightly haunted looks in their eyes. It could be said that they had been through a lot because these ten figures were the only living humans on the planet. A terrible war had left them being the sole survivors.

There was a tall figure with a slim yet muscular build that had mid length spiky yellow hair. His name was Naruto and he had black fox ears with red tips and two tails of the same coloring. He had six whisker like markings on his face, three to a cheek. Icy blue eyes with a slit pupil (like Kurama eyes, but ice blue) stared off at some point in the distance. His nails were painted black. Naruto wore black anbu style pants with grey bandages and three pouches along his waist, and one on his leg. He has on a long sleeve chain mesh shirt under a black and burnt orange sleeveless hoodie. He also wears red armored gloves that leave his fingertips free and black shinobi sandals that look a bit like boots. He wears his protector around his forehead and his lovers protector around his arm.

Next to him is a woman named Hinata. She has long dark hair and haunted pale purple eyes. She wears a tan hoodie that has the sleeves cut at the elbow with an attached mask that covers the lower half of her face like Kakashi's. Under this she wears a long sleeve chain mesh shirt that is attached to red fingerless gloves that are armored. Hinata wears loose grey pants that are tied to her leg in multiple places with red bandages and a pouch on one leg and one at her waist. The back of the hoodie has shards of Gaara's gourd all over it. She wears a burnt orange choker with a tan kanji for love on it. Her protecter is around her neck while her lovers hides under her hoodie and can be seen in flashes of metal at her waist.

On Naruto's other side is a woman named Ino. She has platinum blond hair that reaches most of the way down her back with bangs that cover one of her bright sea green eyes. She has white tiger ears and a tiger tail. She wears a cropped, sleeveless, deep purple top over a long sleeved chain mesh shirt that shows off a butterfly tattoo on her forearm that sits next to a tattoo of a sword that is dripping ink. She wears a mid length purple skirt that is split up the sides to show the charcoal, short leggings that she wears underneath. She uses a burnt orange ponytail holder and has switched the cloth for her protector to burnt orange. The protector is tied around her arm.

Next to Hinata is her cousin, Neji. He has brown hair that is braided down his back save for two long strands that frame his face, but he shares the same haunted eyes of his cousin. He has black panther ears and a single black panther tail. He wears dark chocolate brown pants with dark green bandages and a slightly lighter green pouch, black shinobi sandals, and a long sleeve chain mesh shirt under a dark brown shirt that has the sleeves cut slightly below the elbow. He has burnt orange bandages lazily climbing one forearm. His protecter is around his waist and around his neck is the slight hint of a necklace that holds the ring he was going to use to propose to his lover.

On the other side of Ino is another blond girl named Temari. She has dusty blond hair and dull green eyes. Her hair is tied back behind her head in four short and spiky ponytails. She has tan sand cat ears and a tan tail. Temari wears a black battle kimono with burnt orange straps to attach her fan to her and light pink at the waist. One arm has chain mesh and the other has a red ribbon around it that looks like it has seen slightly better days, but is otherwise well cared for. Temari's protector is at her forehead and a very battered protecter is around her neck.

Across from Naruto stands Iruka. He has a short, brown ponytail and a scar across his nose. He has dark eyes and his protector around his forehead. He wears dark grey anbu style pants with the same color of bandages and pouch, two at his waist and one on his leg. The leg that doesn't have his pouch has a protector around it. He has a deep blue tail that has streaks of silver and black. He wears chain mesh sleeves paired with a loose, dark grey, short sleeve shirt. He wears a black Chūnin vest that obviously has two long slits in the back. A burnt orange mask that doesn't have any defining features hangs from his belt until he decides to wear it. Iruka wears black shinobi sandals.

A man named Obito stands next to him, holding his hand. Obito has dark hair and a dark eye and a purple eye. He has black bear ears and a small yet fluffy black tail. He wears a black cloak that is similar to the Akatsuki in style, except one of the sleeves isn't there. He has burnt orange bandages wrapped all around that arm. Obito also wears black shinobi sandals. Just visible underneath his cloak is a silver pouch.

Next to Obito is Shikaku Nara. He has black hair in a spiky ponytail and dark grey eyes. He has a couple of scars on his face and he also wears a long sleeve chain mesh shirt. Over this he wears a dark grey vest like in the anime and a black and grey themed cloak like in the anime. He wears loose dark grey pants with grey bandages and a grey pouch as well as black shinobi sandals. His hoop earrings are burnt orange. The cloak is cleverly structured so that it's hard to see the slits in the back of it. He wears his protector on his arm.

On the other side of Iruka is a man called Guy. He had tousled black hair, dark grey wolf ears with black tips and a tail of the same coloring. Guy wears a dark forest green jumpsuit with deep royal blue fingerless gloves and deep royal blue shinobi sandals. The sleeves of his jumpsuit are kinda like bandages in the way they wrap around his arms as they fade to a deep dusky purple. He wears a slightly darker version of his vest that is open so you can see his protector around his waist. He has burnt orange circles around the legs of his jumpsuit, three to a leg. He wears a purple crystal necklace on a green string.

Leaning on Guy's shoulder is Anko, a woman with purple hair and light purple eyes. She wears a long sleeve chain mesh jumpsuit. Grey wolf ears with purple streaks sit on her head and her hair is pulled back in a short and semi unruly ponytail. She has a tail with similar coloring. Anko's protector is around her forehead. Over the jumpsuit she wears a cropped burnt orange jacket and a pair of deep royal blue leggings. She wears a green crystal necklace with a purple string. Anko wears royal blue shinobi sandals.

The ground beneath them is covered by a very complicated seal. Naruto stared down at the seal for a few minutes more before he starts to speak.

"I feel as though I should give some speech of some kind before we do this. I don't know why because most of the people who would've cared about such formalities are now gone. I don't need to remind you guys of why we are doing this. We will never forget. The people we consider precious have already left their marks on us. The best we can do for them is make sure they have a future worth living in, not whatever this hellscape is. I'll be the first to admit that we act almost nothing like we used to. Hell, the stupid war made me smart. It made me smart in many ways. I'm sure all of us would have preferred to have remained ignorant in some of those ways. We no longer have that choice. I think that is what this seal really means. A choice. We choose to go back to the past and make a better future for those our present has left behind. We might even say that the humans we used to be wouldn't be able to handle what we are about to do. In many ways, you'd be right. Humans were not made for time travel. This is your last chance to back out. I know that none of you will. We have lost too much to war and all it brings to simply give up and exist in pain for the rest of our days. So let's fix it! To a brighter future!"

"To a brighter future!" They all echoed. Naruto's speech had somehow lifted all of their spirits and strength shined through their eyes as they all got ready for the single most important moment of their lives. The moment when time flowed backwards so that they could fix everything that went wrong.

Naruto POV

Time to take that graduation exam again. Prepare yourself shinobi world! You aren't ready for the changes we are about to bring! I just hope we're ready as well...

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