chapter 8

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It's about 2am when I wake up to a loud ringing sound. I groan, picking up my phone. "Hello?" I say. "Mer!" Derek exclaims into the phone. "Der?" I giggle. "Can you come and getttt meee?" He says in a funny voice. I giggle.

"You know I don't have much licence yet.. or a car" I say. "Pleeeaassseee" he whines. "Okay.. where are you?" I ask. "The bar.. some guys are angry at me and I think I'm gonna get beaten up" he whispers. "What?!" I say.

I stand up quickly, grabbing all of my stuff. I put a coat over my pyjamas, running outside. I get in a cab. "Hurrryyyy" he whines. "I am" I say. I hear guys talking to derek In the background. I hang up the phone.

The cab stops outside the pub. "I'll be back in a sec.." I get out, running inside. I see a big guy cornering a very drunk derek. "Hey.. hey what's up? What did he do?" I stand infront of derek.

"He was hitting on my girl" he says. "She was hitting on me and I didn't know she had a boyfriend" derek slurs. The guy walks closer.

"Hey leave him alone! If you have a problem take it up with your girlfriend.. its not his fault" I push him away gently, my hand on his chest. "Get out of here before I change my mind" he says.

"We're going" I hold Derek's hand, pulling him outside quickly. We get in the cab. "Are you okay?" I put my hands on his cheeks, looking at him.

"I didn't hit on her.. I swear" he says. "I believe you.. you're many things but you're not a cheater" I chuckle softly. He grins drunkenly. We arrive home. I pay the driver and get out the car.

I go around to Derek's side, opening the door. I hold his hand, helping him up. He wraps his arm around my shoulder as I wrap mine around his waist, helping him inside and upstairs.

"Derek" I gasp as he walks into the door. I giggle. "That's gonna hurt tomorrow" I chuckle. "Mm" he groans, standing back up. I open the door. I help him inside, sitting him on the couch.

I squeal as he grabs me, pulling me onto his lap. "You're so cute.. you're like a Teddy bear.. I just want to eat your nose" he says drunkenly. "Don't eat my nose" I giggle. He grins.

"Can you call a girl over? Rose?" He smirks. "No.. you're going to bed" I say. "But I don't wanna be alone" he pushes his face into my neck.

"What?" I run my fingers through his hair. "I'm lonely" he says. "You are?" I ask seriously. He nods into my neck. "I'm here" I say. "But you're going on dates now" he says. "So?" I whisper.

"So you'll find a boyfriend, move out and forget about me" he says. I pull away slowly. "That's ridiculous.. my date stood me up.. and you're my best friend I'm not gonna forget about you" I kiss his cheek softly, wrapping my arms around his neck.

He wraps his arms tightly around me. "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I grin. "I love you more" he mumbles. I giggle. "Do you?" I grin. He nods.

"You wanna go to bed?" I ask. "With you?" He smirks, looking me up and down. I giggle. "Come on" I stand up, holding his hands.

I pull him up. I hold onto him as he stumbles forwards into me. I steady him. I hold his hand, taking him to His room.

He gets changed into his pyjama bottoms. He gets in bed. "Sleep with me" he grabs my hand. I squeal as he grabs me, pulling me into bed. I giggle. He wraps his arms around my waist, resting his head on my chest.

I relax in his arms. "Will you stay here?" He asks. "Yeah I'll stay here" I smile, running my fingers through his hair. He snuggles into me. It doesn't take long before he falls asleep. I fall asleep soon after.

Derek's pov:
I wake up in the morning with meredith laying ontop of me. I brush her hair off of my face. "Merrrr" I say. She opens her eyes slowly. She giggles as she realises she's ontop of me. I chuckle softly as she rolls off of me.

"Good morning" she grins. "Good morning" I chuckle softly. "I saved you.. you were gonna get beaten up and I saved you" she grins. "Thankyou for that by the way" I chuckle softly. She giggles.

"Der.. did you mean what you said yesterday?" She asks. I raise my brow. "About me basically ditching you.. coz you know I'd never do that, right?" She says. "I know.. I'm sorry.. it was just drunk talk" I say. "Okay.. if you're sure" she kisses my cheek.

"I do stand by the eating your nose thing though.. its so cute" I grin. She giggles as I kiss her nose playfully. "You're so stupid when you're drunk.. does your head hurt?" She asks. "A little" I chuckle. She giggles.

"You want me to make you your hangover food?" She asks. I know for a fact that she'll burn it but I can't bare to make that huge smile on her face disappear. "Yes please" I smile. "Okay" she grins before getting up.

I finally get out of bed and go into the kitchen. "Ready" she says, putting it on the side. I smile, walking over. I sit down. There's some very burnt tacos infront of me.

"Do they look okay?" She asks. "Yeah" I lie. "Okay good" she smiles. She watches me as I take a bite. Its very chewy. I smile. She furrows her brows.

"Do they not taste good?" She asks, picking one up. "No they're mine" I snatch it off of her, eating it fast. "Derek" she says as I shove them all in my mouth, eating them quick.

"We're they really that good?" Her eyes light up. "Uhuh" I say, trying not to vomit. She smiles, kissing my cheek. "You want a drink?" She asks. "Orange juice please" I say.

She takes it out of the fridge. I take the bottle, drinking large gulps. "Derek don't drink out of the bottle" she hits my head lightly. "Sorry" I chuckle. She giggles, shaking her head. "Thankyou for the tacos" I smile. "That's okay" she smiles. We get ready and go to school.

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