chapter 9

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"Fight! Fight!" I hear everyone shouting down the corridor in school. I get intrigued so I walk down. I push everyone out of the way gently.

My eyes go wide as I see derek and riggs fighting. Someone pulls them apart but they're still trying to charge at eachother. I rush over to derek.

"Der.. what the hell are you doing?" I put my hands on his shoulders. "Killing him" he tries to go for him again but Mark holds him back. Someone drags riggs away and derek calms down a bit.

"What happened?" I put my hands on his cheeks, gently wiping away a bit of blood from under his eye. I realise a lot of people are still watching us. I hold his hand, the one that's not bruised and lead him outside.

"Move!" I yell at the people who are crowding around, in the way of us. We get to his car. He leans against the boot as I look at his bruised knuckles.

"What was that about?" I ask. "Nothing" he says. "Was it about me?" I ask. "No" he says. I raise my brow. "Yes" he says.

"What happened?" I ask. "He was talking shit about you" he says. "What? What did he say?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Derek" I say.

"He told everyone that when you went on your date you kept coming onto him until he finally just gave in and had sex with you" he says. I look at him shocked. "He didn't even show up to the date" I say.

"I'm sorry.. I just got angry and-" he groans. "Why would he say that?" I whisper. "I don't know.. because he's an asshole" he says.

"Are you okay?" I ask, brushing his hair out of his face. "I'm fine.. are you okay?" He asks. I nod. "Its fine.. I don't care if people think I'm a.. slut.. or whatever.. but thankyou for defending me" I stand on my tiptoes, kissing his cheek. He smiles small.

He wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me tight. I wrap my arms around his neck, snuggling my face into his neck.

"You're so stupid.. what if you get kicked out of school?" I say. "I don't care.. he's not talking about you that way" he says. I pull away slowly. "Thankyou" I whisper. "Don't thank me.. I'll always defend you" he says. I smile.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I look at his bruised knuckles. "Yeah" he says. "You wanna go back inside or home?" He asks. "We can go back inside" I say. "Okay" he says. We walk inside.


We're sat on the couch in the break room talking when his phone rings. "Hi" he says, picking it up. He looks at me. "How do you even-" he says. "We'll be right there" he sighs, hanging up the phone.

"What?" I ask. "One of the fucking professors called mom" he says. "What? How do they even have her number?" I say. "No idea" he groans, standing up. I whine, following him outside. He drives us to his mom's house.

We knock on the door. She opens it. "Inside.. now" she says. We walk in and go to the living room, sitting on the couch. I'm sat in silence as Carol is basically screaming at derek.

I look at him. He looks down, trying not to laugh. I bite my lip as I try not to laugh. "Do you find this funny?" She says. "She's looking at me" he says. I giggle. "God you're children!" She yells.

"He was defending me" I say. "What?" She looks at me. "I went on a date with a guy but he stood me up.. and at school today he told everyone I was a slut" I say. "What?" She says.

"Derek was just defending me" I say. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asks. "You were kinda shouting a bit" I mumble. She glares at me. I move closer to derek. He chuckles.

She finally stops yelling and we go home. "I'm going to bed" I say, going into my room. I pull off my clothes, get changed into one of Derek's shirts I stole a while ago before getting into bed.

I snuggle into my pillow. A tear runs down my face. I don't even notice my door opening as derek walks into my room. He climbs Into bed with me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me back into his embrace.

He can always tell when I'm sad. Sometimes it's annoying but I love it really. I turn around so I'm facing him. "I'm not a slut" I say. "I know" he whispers.

"I haven't even kissed a boy before" I say. "I mean.." he smirks. "Shut up" I giggle. "I know" he whispers, brushing my hair out of my face. "I hate guys" I say. "We're assholes" he says. I smile.

"Not you" I say. "Well i'm nice to you.." he says. "No.. I know you.. you're a good guy" I say. He smiles small.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah.. just- he's such an asshole" I say. "You want me to beat him up.. again?" He says. I giggle, shaking my head.

"Don't worry about it.. nobody will say anything about you" he says. "I think they'll talk about you though.. that fight was cool" I giggle. He chuckles softly.

"Sleep here tonight" I say. "Okay" he says. "Oh no wait.. you have a date tonight, don't you?.. later?" I ask. "Yeah" he says. "Go" I say. "I wanna stay here" he says.

"Don't stand her up" I say. "I'm not standing her up.. I haven't even asked her to go anywhere yet.. I was planning on just calling her to ask her just before I set off but I'm not going" he says.

"Are you sure? Coz I'm okay.. I'll be fine if you wanna-" I say. "I'm staying here" he says. "Okay" I smile.

"Hey are you still going on that trip with your dad?" I ask. "Yeah.. in 2 days" he says. "What am I gonna do without you here?" I whine. "You'll be fine" he chuckles softly.

"What am I gonna eat?" I ask. "Cook- no actually.. please don't go in the kitchen.. I dont want to come back to no apartment after you've burnt it down" he says. I roll my eyes.

"Why don't you stay with my mom? She asked you if you wanted to" he says. "I might.. I'll text her tomorrow" I say. "Good" he says.

"Not that I need babysitting.. I can survive without you for 2 weeks" I roll my eyes. "Of course you can" he chuckles softly. I glare at him. "go to sleep" he chuckles softly. "Fine" I giggle. I close my eyes. I eventually fall asleep.

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