Danger to Myself

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Akechi woke up to Y/N next to him, naked. He couldn't believe how easy that was. Shaping her into Maruki's version of Y/N was easier than he thought it would be. The only thing that was bothering him was the amount of real emotions she had been getting out of him. He had purposely told her about his mother to gain sympathy points, but he didn't think in under a week she would roll over for him so easy. He almost felt a twinge of guilt like he should have waited longer, but Y/N really must have been desperate.

This was fine with Akechi. The only thing he realized in hindsight was that he hadn't used a condom. He hadn't used one in Maruki's reality because he didn't care about the consequences. Now, though, he realized that there were consequences he really didn't want to deal with, so he'd have to go and get some condoms at the store later.

Akechi thought it was ironic, too. Y/N in Maruki's reality had taken his virginity, and now in the real one he had taken hers.

Good thing she doesn't have class today. Maybe he should spend the day caring for Y/N gently. Isn't that what good boyfriends do? 

You really have stooped lower than I thought you ever could, Goro. Akechi groaned. 

Ew, his conscience. 

Shut up, you're just a manipulative, murderous piece of shit who doesn't deserve happiness.

Deciding to let Y/N sleep, Akechi showered, got dressed and pulled on his coat. He decided to go out and do his errands. He hesitated before he left, wondering if he should write a note to let Y/N where he was going.

No, if she's worried about where you are, she'll be happier to see you when you get back.

Akechi swallowed and walked out the door. It was still early morning. Y/N hardly ate breakfast. He couldn't cook, nor was he going to risk an attempt, so perhaps he should pick something up for them to eat.

Akechi had never bought himself condoms before. Nor had he really found a reason to go into the particular aisle at a convenience store. He had done his research, but it still felt daunting to be standing there alone. He had done way worse things before, like commiting assassinations for his father, or shooting Amamiya in the face with no hesitation.

Checking out was even worse. He knew in his mind that no one was judging him, but he felt everyone's eyes on him anyway. Calm down, Akechi, everyone buys these.

Pulling Y/N's scarf over his face to cover the blush that had spread across it, he made his way to his next stop. He had shoved his purchase into his coat pocket. The coat was slightly big for him, but it was secondhand and the best he could do. He wished he could have made his way to his apartment, but he knew that would be the first place the police would rifle through when looking for him.

Breakfast consisted of two strawberry crepes. He had heard of them on social media, and they had been quite popular lately, so he had wanted to try them. Y/N probably would appreciate them too.

By the time he got back, Y/N could be heard in the shower. Akechi let himself in and began making a pot of coffee. He prepared Y/N's coffee the way she liked it, with perfect timing as she walked out fully dressed with damp hair.

"Good morning," Akechi said softly. He didn't have to pretend with that one. He genuinely felt soft in a way when Y/N approached him.

It's just memories of Maruki's reality making me this way.

"Good morning...Goro…" Y/N said with a blush.

Akechi raised his eyebrows and pointed to the seat at her small kitchen table. "Sit."

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