Family Isn't Always There

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On your way to class, you looked desperately to fulfil your promise to Akechi that you'd eat. You normally were so focused to go to class, that you hardly noticed the stores near your apartment. There was a small bakery on your way to your main campus building, so you stopped by to grab something. You got a red bean bun; not that nutritious, but it would have to do. You shoved it in your mouth, trying to eat it as quickly as possible before you entered your classroom.

It was hard to focus on class, what with the now secret you held that the ace detective Goro Akechi himself was hiding in your apartment.

You wondered if he was single.

You blushed and tried desperately to pay attention to the lecture. After your classes for the day were over, you decided to actually go grocery shopping for once. You made your way to a grocery store near where you lived and picked up ingredients for lunch and dinner.

You found Akechi reclining on his futon reading one of the mystery novels you had on your bookshelf. He was wearing a plain yukata and his clothes folded nearly next to him. By the looks of it, he was able to get the blood off of his shirt.

"I'm home!" You announced.

Akechi peered over the book, his expression neutral.

You wordlessly put away the groceries, but you could feel Akechi intently watching you. "So uh, it wasn't too boring without me was it?" You asked jokingly.

"Extremely," Akechi gave a genuine response.

You turned around to face him. He had stood up and walked over to you, leaning his hands on the counter. He smiled. "I'm too smart to be trapped in here. It's so boring without someone to talk to."

"W-well my homework is pretty light today, you can talk to me if you want," you replied nervously.

"Sorry, are you all right?" Akechi asked with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine, don't worry, it's just still hard to adjust to you being here," you confessed. "I didn't want to make things weird, but I'm actually a fan of yours. N-not obsessive, of course I--"

"Naturally," Akechi said with a bashful laugh. "I'm not really...that great of a person for you to be a fan of."

"Why not?" You said, crossing your arms. "You fight for justice, don't you? And even though the Phantom Thieves helped people in society, you do have valid points. If people rely on super heroes too much, then we won't have a society anymore. Although...not sure what to do about politicians like"

"No, no, do keep going," Akechi said. "This is a fascinating take. My popularity plummeted due to the Phantom Thieves' popularity, and so it's intriguing to meet someone who's still my fan, I suppose." He laughed half heartedly.

"I never stopped being your fan," you insisted. "I-I followed your cases! I really like true crime shows and mystery novels, so I...yeah..." You felt embarrassed with every word you spoke.

"True crime?" Akechi chuckled. "Yes, I agree, understanding a criminal is essential to bringing them to justice. Sometimes detectives heavily blur the line..." His voice trailed off, and his expression went a little sullen.

"I think that's okay," you assured him. "Just as long as you don't lose sight of yourself and your justice."

Akechi's brows furrowed. You hadn't seen an expression like this on his face before, almost like he was showing the surface of some kind of deep emotional pain. "Yeah... you're probably right." He replied quietly. After a few moments of awkward silence, Akechi picked back up the conversation with his normal happy self.

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