New Reality

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"Shit!" Akechi bolted upright, his eyes opening. Immediately he touched his side, checking for where the bullet hit him. One bullet wouldn't kill hi--

The fuck? Where Akechi thought would be a pool of his own blood was just soft sheets. He was sitting on a bed in what appeared to be a bedroom. He couldn't tell very well, as the only light was the full moon seeping through the slats of a window cover.

"Goro? Are you okay?"

Akechi froze and looked beside him. A woman, clad in an oversized tshirt, had rolled over to face him. Without sitting up, she placed a hand on Akechi's thigh.

"Was it a dream about your mom again?"

Who the hell is this woman and how does she know about that?! Alarm bells went off in Akechi's mind.

"Oh're pouring sweat," the woman said, now taking the effort to sit up and place a hand on Akechi's forehead. "It's okay, I'm here."

I must have died or something. Akechi's mind was reeling, trying to piece together every possibility.

The woman slid her hands down Akechi's bare chest. He realized then that he was wearing only a pair of his underwear. Did she think he was someone else? No, she clearly called him his first name so intimately.

Did I conjure up some sort of bullshit desired reality to go to when I died? 

Akechi's heart started beating wildly when the woman planted a kiss on his lips. Not wanting to waste the opportunity, he kissed back. Human desires, after all, were just lustful instinct that needed to be satisfied.

"Goro," the woman said between kisses, "I'll help you get back to sleep." Her hand trailed down his chest towards the band of his underwear.

Akechi was never one for romance. He had never been in a romantic relationship before, let alone intimacy with someone to this level. He never allowed himself to have friends (other than Joker, who he refused to admit), let alone any sort of lover. He had kissed a few girls and messed around a bit (he was popular enough for that, easily), but nothing too serious. This was not one of his brightest moments, allowing this woman to have her way with him, but he was a rather impulsive person. One second he was dead, the next he was in bed with a stranger. A fitting life for a trickster.

Akechi did fall asleep afterwards (the event was not intense enough for him, it really did help him relax), and awoke at sunrise. Now that he could see the woman more clearly with day's light, he could properly assess her appearance.

She definitely was his type, it would seem.

Akechi got out of bed and began inspecting the room. His wallet was on the dresser, in an exact location he would naturally put it. His drawers were organized in a fashion he deemed the most optimal. His wardrobe of a smart and simple style were hung in his closet, and his toiletries were all the brands he preferred to buy. No doubt, this was supposed to be his living space.

The only unusual thing about it, was the other obvious occupant of the room. Half the closet was filled with women's clothing, a much larger space of the bathroom was taken up by feminine toiletries and other items, and a purse was hung on the closet door on a removable hook.

Akechi stole a look at the woman in his bed. She was still asleep, so he took caution to snoop through some of her belongings.

First was the purse. He needed to find some sort of ID to figure out who she was. Once he found her wallet, he saw a few bills, some loose coins, and her photo ID.

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