Are You My Valentine?

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The month of January passed by quickly. Akechi's wound healed nicely, especially with your help. It still scarred, but it was a lot better than you expected without medical help. Akechi vanished every day and came back in the evening, looking exhausted. When questioned, he either said he was investigating or working. You didn't want to pry further--you were frankly afraid to.

Your relationship seemed...okay. Akechi wanted sex--a lot of sex. Sometimes he came home, too exhausted to stand, and he collapsed in your bed (he abandoned the futon, but your bed was big enough for the both of you). Other times, he seemed agitated and only wanted to be with you. You wished he would open up to you more, but you began to feel like your body at least was comforting him.

You knew this wasn't a healthy mindset to have. You actually wished you didn't go so quickly physically with Akechi. But for some reason, you felt familiar and comfortable with him. You felt confused, conflicted, and scared. You were scared of people finding out you kept Akechi here, you were scared of what your family would think, and you were scared of what Shido would do to you.

It was a few weeks in February, and Valentine's day was coming up. You felt intimidated, but you wanted to get Akechi some chocolate. You had never done this before. You had always been too afraid of rejection. Why were you afraid of your current boyfriend now? Was it because not enough time had passed? Was it because you felt distance every time you looked into his eyes? 

Am I being used? 

No! Impossible. Akechi would never do that...right? He was a kind person who stood up for justice, right? He was a good man…


You decided to discreetly make Akechi chocolate instead of buy him some. You felt a little confident, you were a decent cook, and making some chocolate caramels shouldn't be too hard.

You managed to get the ingredients and make the chocolates before he came back on Valentine's Day evening. You didn't know where he had went, and any attempt to ask him would result in him pushing you away.

"W-welcome home, Akechi," you said nervously.

"Home?" Akechi blinked and looked at you.

"S-sorry…" you said. "That just--"

Akechi beamed. "No, I like it." It was his fake voice. It hurt.

"It's Valentine's Day," you said.

"Oh? What about it?" Akechi seemed exhausted.

"Come here," you ordered, pointing at a chair. "Sit."

Akechi removed his coat. He did as he was told.

"H-happy Valentine's Day," you said, handing him the box of chocolates.

Akechi froze and took the box from you. He didn't seem to understand the idea that someone was giving him a gift, or was able to process it. He opened it and looked inside. "Chocolate?" He said. "Wait...oh…" The gears were turning in his head.

He looked up at you and blushed. This is the first time you had ever seen him so vulnerable. "Did made these, didn't you?" He asked in a quiet voice.

"I hope you like them," you replied, blushing.

Akechi stood up and put his arms around you. His grasp was desperate, unlike any other embrace he had ever given you before. His breathing was shaky. "Thank you," he said in a small voice. 

"Does it really mean that much to you?" You asked. "Goro, are you okay?"

Akechi looked miserable. "Yes" He sank back into his chair. "It's getting harder and harder to…" He grimaced.

Yesterday February, Today January Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin