“We have until midnight when the moon is at its fullest power.  I think at around that time the beast will be in some type of transformation and at that time it will be at its weakest time. I did some research on werewolves and apparently they have an extreme weakness to this stuff called wolfs-bane. If anyone comes across any of it, please say something. It didn’t grow locally so be conscious of that.” When Kit was finished she was able to look up and meet the eyes of the girls. They all had their mouths open fully; their faces looked either dumbstruck or scared.

                                It took a while until someone actually spoke up that wasn’t Kit. “I guess I’m in.” Sally said, nodding to herself, “I said it before to you but I want you to know that I know the danger and I’m still in.”

                               Everyone turned towards Sally. “Okay, I would understand if you backed out at the last minute.” Kit nodded towards Sally but Sally only shook her head. “Anyone else, no one has to, this isn’t something that you have to do.”

                         “I will.” Said Katherine, shrugging her shoulders in a way that showed that she understood. Kit smiled at her and mouthed ‘Thanks’ she smiled back and nodded.

                          Everyone looked towards Stacey, who was looking at her nails, avoiding everyone’s eyes. She looked up at them all, “I suppose I could come, but don’t expect me not to run away screaming because I don’t know how I will act to this.” She bit her lip again and sighed deeply.

                          “That’s okay; it’s your choice you can back down if you want. Now follow me, I will meet up with Levi and the boys.” Kit was beginning to walk out the door when Stacey’s voice made her stop.

                          “What’s the deal between you and Levi; no one is sure what you think I mean it’s very obvious he likes you. But you’re just always so impassive that no one is sure. Will you tell us?” Stacy cooed, coming up besides Kit.

                           Kit turned towards the girl and her gossipy little devious mind. Impassive?! How dare her! “Well, I’m not sure, there is so much going on and it’s doing my head in but I think I…might.” She shrugged it off and continued walking.

                           “You do!” Stacy Chirped happily. Already the girl was starting to get on Kit’s nerves.

                         “I said maybe, after this I’ll have to see.” She walked past all the dark halls where she felt eyes on the back of her neck. She hadn’t thought about her and Levi, well she had…quite a bit. She did like him but she was unsure of what to do! It was such a strange time right now and she couldn’t concentrate. Kit wasn’t sure upon whether her feeling was real or false.

                           “Let’s go, this is pretty urgent stuff if we need to get there before midnight.” She led the girls towards to boy’s wing where they later saw them all, standing in the open corridor, barely a light in place.

                          There were four of them that made four girls and four boys, eight all up. It was pretty good, an alright number, but something about Kit’s instincts told her that something was doomed to go wrong today.

                          “Hey, we have these four. We have eight then. This is Sally, Katherine and Stacy.” Kit gestured to all of the girls who stood impatiently in the hall.

                        “Good, this is Dill.” Levi pointed out the boy with blond hair, not that bad looking actually. Then he pointed out the next guy who he named Timothy who had almost black hair and last of all there was Sam, a boy with light brown hair, all of them had blue eyes.

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