Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to The Moon for all my inspiration


                It was late, she wasn't sure how late to be precise, and she just knew it was by the deep foreboding night that gloomed through the outside window. She shakily stood and walked over to the window, placing her slender and pale fingers on the cool glass.

               It wasn't actually that dark because the moon was full and round, shining with a bright halo around its circle. She watched, wide eyed at the moon, her eyes following it's every detail until the shape and glow was imprinted on her vision. She came away, knowing what this meant. Tonight is the night the beast will strike for sure, it was a full moon, it was a dark night, and there was that foreboding feeling within the air. Everything was just piecing itself together ever so slightly.

             She clamped her hand over her mouth and sprinted through the campus, trying her hardest to find Levi. It was no longer that hard to figure out what the 'Beast' May be...a werewolf. It got a pretty negative statement in her mind, although the options were to overweighing to put the thought aside. If ever there were a chance for Kit to find out new ideas, she must question it, after all, what other way to find evidence than questions?

               She reached the end of the campus and turned down a pathway on the side of the building, she ran up it, turning to see through the darkness with her eyes. It was no use though, everything was fading together, and she was never going to find Levi in a place as big as the Academy.

                  She wandered around, furiously trying to find a memory of Levi telling her where he loved to go. That's when she remembered where he would be. So she ran and she didn't stop until she pushed passed quite a few doors and ran up a few flights of stairs until she came towards the main gym.

                   Everything felt like a ghost town to her now, no one was here at all, they were all still in their dorms. No one was allowed outside because to many people we're in danger as it is. There was a dark and foreboding feeling inside of Kit as she walked past each window and watched the moon spill through. Very gently, she opened the door to the gym, trying her best to not make any sound.

                Levi sat on one of the beams, his legs tucked up with his head propped up on it. He looked so lonely, so afraid; did he think she was being on the mission already without him? Why was he always so polite and nice to everyone? All these questions sent more circles of questions around Kit's head, making her dizzy.

                As she opened the door of the gym, her eyes began to search around for where Levi could be. Then she saw him sitting on one of the balancing beams, his knees were tucked up and he had his chin propped up on them. He looked scared, angry, confused and...Annoyed? 

               Kit seemed to feel his emotions; he seemed as lost to her as he stared out the open window with his confused blue eyes. She began walking up behind him; his eyes were glued to the moon's shadow. Kit still continued creeping up behind him, not meaning to startle him, but when she tapped him on the shoulders, he almost fell backwards on the ground. But Kit slipped her arm around one shoulder, turning him around to face her.

              "Hey, I have to tell you something important." Said Kit, not meaning to smile and start laughing at the dumbstruck look on his face.

                  Levi grinned up at her. "Oh, right sorry, tell me, I think you'll be impressed upon the news I have." He laughed, and then crossed his arms. "Okay, so tell me!"

                "Okay, we have to get all the girls back tonight otherwise the full moon might be what the beast wants to have happened." She waited for his reply, but he stopped smiling and looked at her.

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