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Helena expected to see Pietro when she opened her eyes again. She expected to be somewhere strange but magical. She expected so much, but not what she actually saw. Definitely not the sight of the inside of the Avengers with Loki and Wanda nearby in chairs, crying into their hands. Helena wanted to move, to comfort them, but couldn't feel her body.

Then Wanda looked up. She gasped and that alerted Loki. They rushed to her side.

"Helena?!" Loki asked frantically, "Helena can you hear me?"

She used all of her strength to nod her head once.

"Oh my god." Wanda gasped, crying even harder.

"You're okay now." Loki said, "You're going to be okay now. Tony Stark is here- he's helping work with the doctors to heal you."

Helena felt exhaustion rush over her. She wanted to sit up and speak, but the effort was too much and she blacked out again.

It took a month for her to heal. Tony said it wasn't possible, that the state she had been in when he arrived back to Earth was too far gone for help. The stones inside of her that should have killed her began to heal her. Their magic infused with hers until there were no stones. There was just Helena.

Helena, who healed enough in a month to make Tony reluctantly agreed to let her attend a formal school for the first time in her life. She started up at a nearby middle school and turned thirteen. Wanda began attending the high school next door. When she turned seventeen, it was an event of mixed emotions. Happiness that she was alive to celebrate it, and sadness that she was celebrating alone. The absence of Pietro in her life still wounded her, and the one Avenger she had opened up to about it was gone too. Nevertheless, Helena got her through. Whenever either girl began to spiral, the other brought them back down.

Life was from from normal for Helena though. After all, normal could life possibly be when you're a thirteen year old Avenger with the powers of infinity inside of you?

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