Twenty Five

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Helena was still crying as she tried to gather her surroundings. She realized with a start that she was on Earth again. She was pushed back by Thanos onto the grass and for a moment, all the trauma to her head made things go blurry again. Helena sat up slowly in the middle of a battle ground. She reached for her two daggers before remembering they had been left behind in her room on Asgard. Thanos moved away from her a bit as he fought back Wakandian forces.


She looked up to see Steve rushing towards her.


"Are you okay?" He asked her concerned.

"I'm- ... where's Wanda?" She asked.

"She's looking after Vision." Steve said, "But Thor and Loki are here."

"What?" Helena asked, startled.

"They had to flee Asgard with the remaining population after Thanos attacked it and destroyed the city, but they left their people to come here and find you." Steve explained.

"Asgard... it's destroyed?" Helena said. The prophecy had come true.

"Helena!" A voice yelled and she looked up to see her uncle and father.

Loki got to her first and picked her up in a hug.

"Woah!" Helena squeaked.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Loki apologized, putting her back down, "It's just I thought I'd never get to see you again and apologize!"

"Helena!" Thor said, hugging her tightly and quickly, "I'm glad to see you! Your father and I have been searching for you!"

"You have?"

"Yes! Loki even got stabbed by Thanos!" Thor confirmed.

"Thanks for bringing that up." Loki said sarcastically.

"It's a Midgardian thing called 'karma'!" Thor laughed before using a large axe in one hand and his hammer in the other to fight.

Loki turned to Helena.

"You've been so brave, but you need to go and hide now." He said.

"I can't."

"I'm sorry, but you have to hide! Go find your sister-"

He cut himself off as Wanda flew into the battlefield.

"Okay." Helena agreed, and ran out of his reach.

"No! That's not what I meant!" Loki yelled, "Helena, get out of the fight!"

But she didn't listen.

"Wanda!" She yelled.

Wanda's head turned to find her immediately. Her mouth opened in a gasp and she began running to meet her sister. They clutched each other in a hug tightly, while the world fought around them.

"Helena, I'm so, so, so sorry!" Wanda cried.

"I'm okay." Helena said, "We're going to be okay now."

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