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Helena was taken to a room with Pietro and Wanda where they could change into fresh clothes. Unfortunately they didn't have clothes to fit a little twelve year old, so Helena made due with a t-shirt and leggings that were too big for her.

"Here." Wanda said, handing her a belt.

"Thanks." Helena replied.

Wanda pat her on the back and they left to board the Quinjet. Everyone paused to look at Helena standing there, a head shorter than them all.

"What?" She asked, nervously.

"Um, kid, you've been really brave and all this far, but..." Tony trailed off.

"This is going to be dangerous." Clint finished, "You can stay here at the tower with your brother or sister, but you shouldn't join us."

Pietro and Wanda exchanged glances, knowing how stubborn Helena could be. Thor watched her curiously.

"I'm coming too. I want to fight." Helena said determinedly.


"You might as well let her." Pietro said.

"Trying to get her to stay behind is a loosing battle." Wanda agreed, "She'll just find another way to end up in Sokovia."

They looked to Helena who stood up as straight as she could, as to seem taller.

"Oh god." Tony winced, "Fine."

Helena grinned and jumped up and down in excitement.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

They took off and while everyone else took their seats, Helena looked around the ship nervously.

"You good?" Pietro asked.

"Which guy is the Hulk?" Helena asked, trying to be quiet, but Bruce and some of the others overheard.

"That one." Wanda nodded to Bruce.

Helena paled a bit to see Bruce looking at her. Bruce quickly looked away, feeing guilty for having the young girl be scared of him.

"He won't hurt us." Wanda said, surprising Bruce and causing him to look up, "He's a good guy."

"Both of them?" Helena asked.

"Yes." Wanda nodded.

"Okay." Helena relaxed a bit.

She noticed Bruce looking at her again, and this time she waved with a small smile. He smiled back, so she stood up and sat in the seat next to him.

"Hi." She said.


"I'm Helena Maximoff." She introduced herself.

"Bruce Banner."

"How tall are you?" Helena asked.

"Um, what?" Ha said unsurely.

"How tall are you?" She repeated.

"...5'9..." Bruce said.

"What?" Helena asked, "Oh, in your American measurements?"


"How many centimeters is that?"

"About 175."

"I'm 146!" Helena exclaimed happily.


Bruce hadn't been around children much, not wanting to risk endangering them, so he had no idea how to handle Helena Maximoff and her questions.

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