21. Trapped

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A little ladynoir can't hurt anyone right ;)

Marinette was already annoyed. She was studying with her boyfriend for their finals. She had to have good grades because it was their last year of high school and her scores on her exams were going to decide whether she got to go to EMSOD, her dream college, or not. 

Luckily Adrien was a big help for the difficult subjects but while their study date, an akuma showed up. Surprisingly Adrien just had to go home from his father so she didn't have to come up with a terrible excuse. 

But now she was stuck in a room in some office building with Chat and they had no way out. Normally, Ladybug would just ask Chat to use his cataclysm but he had already used which means he could be detransforming at any moment. 

"Okay okay let's not panic. Keep calm and we'll find a way out." She exclaimed as she kept looking around, searching for a way out. Chat stopped in his tracks and turned around, raising an eyebrow. "Uhm bug, you're the only one panicking right now." He told her. Ladybug turned around and glared. "Why aren't you?" She yelled at him before slapping his bicep rather hard. "You're about to transform back you idiot." 

Chat winced and rubbed his arm. "Auch that hurt!" He pouted but Ladybug wasn't having any of it. She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You and I both know that didn't hurt." She told him before turning around again. "You're way stronger than you think tho." He mumbled. 

They both continued searching until a beep caught their attention. Ladybug and Chat looked at each other at the same time before looking at his ring. Chat quickly ran towards her and covered her eyes while he transformed back. 

Ladybug shut her eyes tightly. "Oh my god, did you detransform?" She asked. Chat, well Adrien, hummed. "Yup and- oh my god Plagg just take the cheese." He exclaimed. Ladybug couldn't help but laugh.  Chat joined her until he suddenly became quiet. 

Ladybug got worried and frowned. "Chaton? Everything alright?" She asked. "Uh, no bug have you used your lucky charm already?" That's when it dropped for her too. She was about to transform too. They had been so busy searching for a way out that she didn't realize her earings had been beeping too.  "Alright close you-" before she could answer, her transformation ran out. She squealed in shock but was more surprised that he did too. "Chat?" She asked, still not able to see anything since her eyes were tightly shut and Chat's (bare!) hands were in front of her eyes. 

He kept silent that Marinette got worried. "Kitty?" She asked again, her voice much softer now. "Mari" She got in return which made her gasp. "Chat. You're not supposed to know." Marinette replied. "How can you even recognize me so well?" 

Chat chuckled and pulled his hand away. "You're wearing my sweatshirt and for as long I know I only gave that one to my girlfriend." He said. Marinette's jaw dropped open as she processed the information that just got to her. "Wha-" She was able to mumble. 

"Open your eyes, princess." He whispered. Marinette slowly opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times to get used to the light until she looked into the eyes of her boyfriend. He wore a small smile on his face as tears in his eyes were threatening to fall. "Oh my god," Marinette whispered to herself as she covered her mouth in shock. Adrien laughed. "I know right"

Marinette launched forward and wrapped her arms around him. Adrien hugged her tight and placed one of his hands on her back and another one on the back of her head. They pulled away from the hug and Marinette whipped away her tears. "This is unbelievable." She laughed. Adrien leaned his forehead against hers. "We're so stupid." He told her. Marinette giggled and leaned closer to his lips. "Mhm, we really are." She said as she softly brushed her lips against his. 

Adrien was about to cut the teasing and smash his lips against hers until someone interrupted their moment. "Guys! There's still an Akuma!" Tikki yelled at them. The two pulled away and blushed right. They quickly transformed and Chat was able to use his cataclysm on the door. Chat was ready to go back to fighting but a hand stopped him by grabbing his wrist. Ladybug reached forward and gave him a short but firm kiss full of love. She pulled away and smiled at his dazed face. 

She walked away and got her yoyo ready. "You coming, kitty?" She called. Chat came out of his bubble and smirked. "Hell yeah." 

Word count: 798

My lucky charm - Adrienette April 2022Where stories live. Discover now