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Izuku yawned as he looked out over Hosu City as the sun set. Standing up, he walked away from the edge of the roof before stretching. Stain had shown up again, and put Ingenium in the hospital, and if he stuck to his usual pattern, he should still be in Hosu. He slipped on his mask before he started moving. 'Yet another person hurt because I was useless. I screwed up and I've got to fix it, before even more people get hurt.'

After about two hours of searching, Izuku was starting to get frustrated. He long been impatient with finding Stain, but being in the same city but still not seeing anything of him was annoying him even more. And then there was an explosion. Izuku whipped around, eyes zeroing in on the rising smoke and glow of fires in the distance, accompanied by the sounds of screaming, then a roar as a person flew up over the buildings with wings.

Izuku was about to dash in that direction before freezing. 'W-what am I doing? I'm no hero, I doubt I'd be able to do anything. I'm sure the heroes can handle it... right? Do I really believe that, I mean, I snapped at Eraser about it. But Stain is sure to use this as a chance. If I go, someone could die when I could have tried to do something... but the same is true if I don't go." After another moment, Izuku made up his mind and ran towards the destruction.

He ran, stopping on top of a building at the edge of the chaos, worried by what he saw. Three Nomu, one of which being the flying figure Izuku had seen in the distance. 'Nomu, so the other wasn't the only one.' Izuku clenched his fists in anger. 'How many... how many people do they kill, torture, and experiment on to create these braindead soldiers!'

The flying one came towards him and he turned to face it, his frown deepening as he took out his bat. 'You seem... familiar." He dodged out of the way of a claw swipe before slamming his weapon into their face, knocking them off balance, dropping them down onto the roof. "Hm, you're definitely not the same as the big guy from the USJ." It scrambled up before charging at him again. Izuku watched its movements carefully, calming his breathing as it started attacking him again. He started dodging, starting to struggle with the onslaught, before finally finding an opening and landed another solid hit on the Nomu, knocking it back a step. 'Dammit, I should probably get off this roof before it tries dragging me off. And not only that...'

Izuku turned around and jumped down into the street, both feet connecting with the back of head of a Nomu that didn't have any eyes, springboarding off of it and at the other one as it was about to hit a hero dressed in all white. "Yet another hero who's too used to being able to just power through problems," Izuku muttered as he brought his bat around to the front of the Nomu's neck, choking it as he steered it away, before letting go as it reached up for him.

'Though, not like too many of my usual tricks would be all too useful for something braindead and most likely can't feel pain.' He was watching the Nomu, trying to come up with a plan to fight them when he saw fire flare up in the corner of his eye. Izuku swore as he dove to the side, avoiding a large stream of fire that engulfed the Nomu in front of him. Turning to the source, he frowned as he saw Endeavor. "Hey watch it, we're on the same side."

"Far from it, villain. I know who you are, and you're no hero. I recognize you from your description, you're the little rat that has been scurrying around in Musutafu."

Izuku rolled his eyes and was about to argue with the man when the Nomu shot fire at Endeavor. 'Did it just absorb Endeavor's attack and shoot it back? Even so, it still took damage.'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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