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"Hol- hold on, let me see if I got this right," Izuku started. "First of all, you somehow already trust me despite not knowing me that long, don't plan on turning me in, support what I do-"

"Bit of a stretch, but you are helping people, and without a quirk, it's not the same vigilantism that most think of."

"Alright, not necessarily support, but agree that I'm helping people, and now you want me to train you... do I got that right?"

"Yeah, or introduce me to the one who trained you. Even I recognized your skill, and... and I want to get stronger."

Izuku didn't bother hiding the scowl that flashed across his face at Shinso's words. "First of all, even if I could, there is no way I'm introducing you to the man who trained me." Venom laced his words before he calmed himself down. "Secondly, you're not thinking of becoming a vigilante yourself, are you?"

"No! I-I mean, no offense, but I rather try for the hero course, not break the law on a nightly basis."

"It's not every night, but yeah." Izuku chuckled. "Yeah, becoming a hero, not having to worry about both sides of the law chasing you, helping people, really helping people. Honestly, being a hero is something I've always dreamed about."

"So why didn't you go to the hero course, I'm sure you could've gotten in!"

Izuku gave his friend a sad smile. "Yeah, maybe, maybe. But, I don't know. Honestly, the reason I didn't try, and why I became a vigilante, is kinda the same reason. Because of the one who trained me... The Hero Killer: Stain."


"I didn't know, honestly... not at first. But when I found out, I didn't contact the authorities, turn him in, tell anyone. I... I foolishly tried to fight him myself... and even after I lost, and he disappeared, I never told anyone. But while I was with him, trained by him, before I knew... We spoke many times... he told me of his ideals... of a better society, with what he called true heroes. It kinda opened my eyes to some of the worst sides of heroes, and everything... but not only that... when I learned who he was... and after what I did... I felt so betrayed, defeated, disappointed in myself... so consumed with anger, self loathing. Those are thoughts that a prospective hero shouldn't have... he once told he himself was a vigilante who took out the criminals that even heroes missed, took care of what slipped through the cracks... so I thought I would become one myself, help out anybody I could... while searching for him."

"You're trying to get revenge and hunt him down yourself?"

"Yeah, pretty much... but not just that... it's not just some revenge plot, he needs to be stopped, yet no matter how much time passes, the authorities are no closer to catching him.So I'm going to help. I know this won't end well for me... so... why take up a spot in the hero course when I'll probably be arrested anyway."


"It's alright, I'm prepared for that end... besides, kinda hard to imagine that people would so easily accept a quirkless hero."

"Do, you really have to do that though... why not become a hero, change people's ways of thinking, catch Stain on the side of the law."

"Maybe... I'm not sure though... Maybe we can talk about this again... after Stain has been caught. Now, back to our previous topic... you want me to train you, so that you can get into the hero course."

"Ah, right, yeah. Please, train me."

Izuku gave him a wide and mischievous grin that worried Shinso somewhat. "Well then, first, tell me this. How far are you willing to go, are you willing to obey someone your age, push yourself past your limits, break and rebuild yourself over and over?"

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