5.Staying in the Closet

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Izuku yawned as stared out at the city, lights making the place bright despite it almost being midnight. He sighed as he found the night air comforting as he listened out, not only for any signs of distress, but to the sounds of the nightlife down below, it all familiar to him already from his night patrols as a vigilante. Swinging his feet, he began to hum to himself, a simple tune that his mother would sometimes hum to him as a young child. 

It had been three days since school had started, and this was the first night he would go out on patrol since it had started. There had been a commotion at school earlier that day, but in the end things calmed down. Though he did wonder how Reporters would think it'd be a good idea to break onto school grounds. But that didn't matter, didn't concern him. And now he just thought it'd be good before classes really got into full swing to get some patrolling done. After all, even if his classes were pretty normal compared to the other departments, UA still wasn't a joke, so he knew the classes may end up getting tough, especially later in the year.

Then, he stopped humming quite suddenly before placing the bottom of his feet against the side of the building. Without any other warning, he sprang off the roof, tucking into himself and rolling as he landed on the nearby building that was a floor or so lower than the building he was on, and looking back up, he saw... nothing.

'Huh, must be getting paranoid. But this is what I get for suddenly stopping my check to see if there was any news on myself. But how could I not be shocked with the sudden attention. Especially when it means there will probably be an active hunt for me starting soon, if a case hasn't started yet.'

He stood up and was about to finish his patrol for the night when he suddenly heard some shouting down below. Peering down at the alley directly under him, he saw two drunk men that looked like they were about to fight each other. 'Hmm, do I need to stop them... okay, nope...' he knew it, that small rock he thought he heard skit a bit before was not his imagination. He quickly rolled to the side and spun around as something lashed at the spot he had been in before. And standing there, having snuck up close to him, was 'Eraser Head, it just had to be Eraser Head. I've got to deal with one of my own teachers now!' The underground hero quickly lifted a part of his collar and spoke into it, Izuku realizing he must have some comms, and soon after, the sound of drunk arguing down below turned into shouts of cops telling him to freeze. 'And now it turns out the drunks were cops, fanfreakingtastic!'

"You heard the officers, stand down vigilante!"

"Hey, I got a name now... apparently... actually, no, I think I'd prefer being called vigilante." Aizawa suddenly lashed out with his capture tape, but before it could grab him, Izuku leaned back over the edge, beginning to tip down and off the building, his bat sliding out and almost falling to the ground below. Eyes widening, Aizawa started to move forward as he began to maneuver his weapon to make another attempt to grab Izuku, but suddenly, said vigilante grabbed it and pulled himself, grabbing his bat in the process and coming back up, getting close to Aizawa before pushing the hero away while he himself moved to the side, putting the rest of the roof to his back. "Woah now, that was a close one," Izuku laughed as he quickly began to learn that humor could help put victims at ease, like how All Might always smiles, quickly adopting the method. But on the inside, he was panicking. 'Crap, I almost died, I almost died!!! That was way too close, if I hadn't reacted quick enough and failed to grab Eraser's capture scarf I would be dead!!!!!!' Well, maybe I could have grabbed onto a window ledge, or the fire escape but then I would've been captured, which is better than being dead, but what if I failed to grab that!!!'

Izuku quickly began thinking about what he should do, both he and Aizawa eyeing each other without making a move. Then making the first move, Izuku quickly opened his jacket and reached in as he jumped back, Aizawa throwing out his scarf again while activating his quirk. Barely dodging the weapon, Izuku's next move was to... turn around and run away. Making it about three buildings away before Aizawa finally managed to trip up Izuku with his weapon and began closing the distance quickly, readying his capture weapon again, radioing to the cops that he had the vigilante and calling for them to quickly come to his location. 'Sorry Sensei.' Izuku landed with an arm under him, allowing to reach into his jacket again before rolling over while pulling out three objects that looked like closed up cardboard tubes... with lit matches sticking out of the top ends, the flames quickly going lower. "Congrats on catching me, and here's your prize!" Izuku tossed them up into the air before quickly turning away and scrambling to his feet. Running away, he heard a grunt as the tubes erupted in a shower of bright light and sparks, a quick bang being heard from each one.

'That got me like, maybe just a second or two, but every second is precious!' Izuku jumped down from the roof, going straight for the side of a fire escape that he lingered on for less than a second before jumping down further, landing on a dumpster before taking off through the twisting and turning alleys when suddenly, a cop appeared in front of him and shot a taser without warning. Luckily for him, the past nights he didn't go on patrol weren't wasted, and while the taser hit him on the chest, it was covered in a new simple multilayered armor. The first and last being leather he got wherever he could, be it boot or random scraps, the third layer were thin metal sheets, and the second was a thin sheet of rubber for this exact purpose. Definitely not pro grade stuff, but simple pocket knives and tasers weren't going to do much to him.

Running in close and raising his arm, Izuku was able to cause the cop to flinch, giving him an opening to just run past him. Wincing slightly as he quickly ripped the taser off, Izuku kept on running while trying to think of a way that he'd be able to lose his pursuers. After a while, he ran into what looked like an abandoned apartment building, running up the stairs and hiding in a random room on the second floor, making sure to pick a room with a window. Silently, he walked into the closet and closed the doors, leaving it slightly cracked so he'd be able to see out. Calming his breathing, he did his best to erase his very presence.

And after waiting for what seemed like two hours, remaining completely still, he slowly moved to open the closet when he heard the sound of footsteps, and not long after, came the sound of someone talking on a walkie talkie. "Yes sir... man, can you believe this, we lost track of the guy, like, a few hours ago man! There's no way he'd still be around, he's gotta be long gone."

"I know, but orders are orders. Though, between you and me, I don't completely care if he gets away. He really is doing this place a favor. Crime rates have started to drop ever since he showed up, slowly, but surely."

"Heh, amen to that."

Izuku waited with baited breath, willing the two officers to go away, and slowly, their footsteps began to fade. But still, Izuku didn't let out a sigh of relief and instead sank deeper into the shadows. Another hour of waiting, and finally he emerged from the closet, extending his senses outward, waiting for any sign that he wasn't in fact, alone. After a while, he didn't notice anything and moved to exit through the window when he sudden;y heard voices in the middle of a sentence appear out of nowhere.

"-is crazy. I mean, do they actually think they can actually pull this off?" Izuku slowly peeked over the edge and saw a group of four people and a dissipating dark mist. 

"Right? Even if they got a hundred, thinking they could beat All Might, and at the school full of pros, they're delusional. They're not going to be seeing any of us here for the pickup tomorrow afternoon."

'What, did he just say something about beating All Might? Wait... somewhere full of heroes? Don't tell me that they mean UA. No... and if someone is actually trying to pull this off, they're completely delusional... or they actually have a plan to work..." Izuku Slowly climbed out the window and quickly made his way to the dump. Changing out of his outfit, he snuck back home and into his room, thoughts and plans running wildly through his mind. But as he finally fell asleep, he was sure of one thing, If he went back to that place the next day, there'd be some pick up, taking him right to this attack, and he wasn't planning on just sitting by.

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