1.Stained Path

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Before you start reading, I would like to give a warning to all. This story may wander to dark places from time to time as the true darkside of society in a world that can be cruel and unforgiving at times. This is a general warning, and not all chapters while be over dark or graphic. But for those that do become so, do not say I didn't warn you... well, it might get overly bad, but who knows, I may accidently go super dark, so again, just in case it does, no complaining, because you got your warning.

Izuku stood silently, watching the man in front of him. He trembled slightly, though he was not sure if it was because of the stranger or because of the events that he had just lived through not too long ago. It may have been a result of both.

His day had gone on as usual, with him being bullied by those at his school, though it did deviate from the normal when his "childhood friend", Bakugou Katsuki, or as he knew him, Kacchan, suicide baited him. It wasn't the first time he's heard something along those lines, but it definitely wasn't common. And for it to come from Bakugou, those words held more weight than when they came from strangers. Then after that, as he walked home from school, he was attacked and almost killed by a sludge villain intent on using his body as a disguise. But then he was saved by the number one hero and his idol All Might... right before asking if even a quirkless nobody like him could become a hero and got his dreams crushed. Then, as he walked, he meant to go home, but he was out of it and ended up walking where a villain was causing destruction... and saw it was the same villain that almost killed him, and said villain now had Bakugou as a hostage. Without thinking, he quickly ran without thinking, wanting to save him. But in the end, All Might had to save both him and Bakugou, and after that, while Bakugou was being praised for having a strong quirk that he tried to use to fight the villain, leading to most of the destruction, the heroes got angry with Izuku.

After that, Izuku started walking home when he bumped into the man when he suddenly said he saw what happened and wanted to talk. "What you did there, it was truly something heroic. While all so-called heroes stood there doing nothing, you, a random citizen with no obligation to do so, ran in in an attempt to save that hostage. Such selflessness, it is that of a true hero such as All Might."

While the man's comment about so-called heroes did catch him off guard, Izuku brushed it off as the man being upset that they hadn't actually done much to stop the villain. What he chose to focus on instead was the man's praise. He did not know who this person was or why he had decided to pull him into an alley for this talk, but still, he felt a sense of pride and joy begin to spread within him. But then that feeling began to sink with the man's next words.

"Though I never saw anything to suggest you using a quirk. I know it isn't exactly legal to use it in some cases, the biggest being in a fight, but that brat got away with it."

"I... I don't have a quirk... I'm quirkless." Izuku stood there silently, head hanging low as he stared at his feet, waiting, expecting the man to mock him, laugh, do something to hurt him whether it be physically or emotionally. Except he didn't.

"That's amazing, that proves my point even more so! You were so heroic, even without a quirk, putting yourself into that much danger in order to save another with no way of defending yourself. If only there were more people like you, then there wouldn't be so many fake heroes whose only goals are to become famous or amass a fortune."

"W-w-well I d-don't really know about t-that. I... I've wanted to become a hero, b-but, I was a-always told it was i-impossible." Izuku could feel tears begin to form at the corners of his eyes.

"I see, it's true, not only do you not seem like much but you also don't have a quirk. I'd see why some may believe that, but... that doesn't mean it's impossible, just not probable." Izuku looked up, confusion and surprise evident in his eyes, but behind that there was something else, the sparkle of hope. "I wish for a world, a society where the heroes aren't such fakes who are out for themselves with All Might as the only one worthy of the title of hero. And you, you have the qualities of a true hero, qualities much greater than all those fakes from earlier combined. That goal of being a hero, it's out of your reach yes, but, only because you currently don't have the strength to make that dream of yours a reality. How can I, someone who seeks a society with true heroes not do anything to assist someone worthy of being called a hero to gain the ability to do something. Tell me kid, I am willing to train you, so tell me... do you still wish to become a hero?"

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