Chapter 4:Ballet

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        Donation were coming in,but they weren't enough.The ballet group Shelley was attending did a fundraiser.Shelley was the main ballerina of the group,after her death Ellisa took the place.The fundraiser took place October 1st.Kaya,Zekk,Lexis,Mick and Lola were attending.A ticket was 50 dollars plus 20 dollar donation.Everyone was there,even Miller with his new whore Nenanimay.The performance started at 7:30 pm.It was beautiful!Ellisa was phenomenal!The performance was over,and everyone was standing up and clapping.Suddenly,Ellisa took out a microphone out of her bag and started talking
,,Everybody knows my dearest friend,Shelley,was murder a few nights ago!Right?Well...everybody is saying how sorry they are and how sweet Shelley was,but no one is saying who killed her!Ladies and Gentlemen,i present to you,our killer!Lexis Breecker!
Everybody gasped out of shock.Lexis froze.
,,Cal told me that she called him the night Shelley died,to tell him Shelley's dead and that she killed her!,,
Cal stood confused
,,I never said that Lexis told me she killed Shelley,that never happend!And it wasn't Lexis's voice!,,
Lexis started crying
,,Hey,you bitch!I didn't kill Shelley!You dumb whore!,,
Lola then stood up and said
,,Lexis was with me that night!We were out eating pizza!,,
,,Stop lying,you bitches!,,-said Ellisa
Lexis wasn't having it
,,How dare you make something about Shelley all about yourself?We all know you have always been jealous of Shelley!Her good looks,her good grades,her great parents and her hot as fuck boyfriend!If i killed Shelley,you know how i would do it?Like this!,,
Lexis jumped on the stage and started pulling Ellisa by her hair,kicking her left leg and spitting on her face.Then she slapped Ellisa,and Ellisa fell on the ground.Lola jumped on the stage and started pulling Lexis aside.They went into the dressing room,and Ellisa started loudly crying.Lexis calmed down
,,Why did you lie that we were out for pizza the night of Shelley's death?-asked Lexis
Lola froze

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