Chapter Thirty-One

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Jacob ... I want to strangle his neck. He's awful. Paul, too. I did warn you ... to buckle in. Things are going to get bumpy.

I'm going to put a warning for this one. Possible violence, references of sexual assault (not detailed) and kidnapping. Also, this is a work of fiction. What is described in this chapter is not the truth about the beliefs of the Quileute tribe.

**Trigger Warning**
**Angst Warning**

Chapter Thirty-One


"This was supposed to work, Paul," I sneered, throwing another beer bottle into the fire. "CPS was supposed to deem her an unfit parent. I found the perfect woman to bring down that bitch."

"The social worker was summarily fired, Jake," Paul said. "She'd 'crossed' a line. Further investigations into her record found her prejudices for unmarried mothers to be quite apparent. We should have found another social worker with less baggage."

"It's so hard to do that when I can't really leave the reservation," I grumped, sitting down.

I was suspect number one in the death that midwife who tried to help Isabella run away with my son. I mean, I did kill that bitch after I'd reminded her place within the tribe. She was shamed and thrown away like the trash she was.

Like all women ...

My father taught me the truth. Women are our property. They had no rights. They were holes to fuck. Incubators for our sons. Keepers of our home, but not given any freedoms or privileges.

That's it.

Bella had a job because she had to pay us back for the money she cost us when she showed up pregnant and then when she had that medical thing where she was in the hospital for a week after she had my son. She almost bled out in an aisle in the Thriftway, costing us even more money.

I hated her.

I hated that I threw her out with my son.

But, I was thinking with my dick. I was more eager to fuck my new girl and Bella was cramping my style. So, I tossed that extra baggage out on her ass, but I didn't know the truth.

My father hadn't told me everything until that whore was gone and after I'd signed away my parental rights.

Now, without Seth, I was not eligible to become tribal chief. I needed to have an heir, or whatever. So, I was trying to get Seth back into my custody.

Yes, I signed away my parental rights. But, he was my son. MINE!

"I'd rather you stay here and not be thrown into prison, federal prison," Paul argued. "Sue was found on federal property, on the land of the reservation by the local cops. The FBI will put you in cuffs the moment you step off the land."

"We need to get down to California, Paul," I huffed. "If you'd only stopped the movie ... What the fuck? You couldn't keep your mouth shut until the funding was pulled?"

"We were so fucking close at the start of this, with the emails to Cullen's sister and my connections to Summit films, but the director is in love with your cunt," Paul sneered. "I really wished you'd shared her."

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